
HELP - the Health Education Library for People

One of our initiatives, HELP - the Health Education Library for People is India's first patient education resource center and the world's largest consumer health library with over 10000 books, 10000 brochures and 600 videos.

We firmly believe that the best patient is a well-informed one.

This is why we have started HELP - the Health Education Library for People. This is India's first consumer health library, and has now become the world's largest consumer health library.

This is a free public library located in Bombay, India with over 6000 books, 10000 brochures and 600 videos.

HELP has become a prototype of the modern digital library, and our website has over 20 full-text online health books and magazines for your reference.

Our goals are:
  1. To create and provide access to a reliable and upto-date collection of consumer health materials, so that people can become better informed about their own health. We believe that the best prescription is knowledge !
  2. To encourage a healthy doctor-patient relationship, since the best patient is a well-informed one !
  3. To provide resources which doctors can adapt to their own practise, to use for educating their patients
  4. To be a useful resource for writers and journalists , and thus improve the quality and accuracy of reporting for medical topics in the lay press
  5. To act as a stimulus for patients with a particular disease to get together and form self-help support groups, to help each other cope with their disease
  6. To prevent health fraud and quackery by educating the consumer about health and illness
  7. Ultimately, we hope that well informed patients will demand the best treatment available internationally - and that this will act as an incentive for doctors to update their skills, and for hospitals to improve their facilities.

If you are in Bombay, please do drop in at HELP.
Om Chambers
Kemps Corner, near the Flyover
Bombay 400 036.

Tel: 368 3334



Authored by : Dr Aniruddha Malpani, MD and reviewed by Dr Anjali Malpani.