

Why is it so difficult for IVF patients to make decisions?

Patient: One of the hardest things for us has been making the right decisions. It feels overwhelming at times. Dr. Malpani: I understand. It's natural to feel overwhelmed. Infertility treatment involves many technical steps that doctors can handle, but deciding t......

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Is it safe to travel during IVF treatment? Insights from Dr. Malpani

  In this video, Dr. Malpani addresses a common concern among patients: the safety and feasibility of travelling for IVF treatment. One patient asked, "Doctor, I stay in Bandra. Is it safe for me to travel all the way to Colaba for IVF treatment?" Her local IVF......

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Understanding Azoospermia: Solutions and Hope for Men with Zero Sperm Count

  Dr. Malpani addresses one of the most distressing problems in male infertility: azoospermia, or a zero sperm count. In his informative video, he explains the causes, implications, and potential solutions for this condition. Azoospermia, the absence of sperm in......

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Why is IVF treatment so expensive? Insights from Dr. Malpani

  One of the most common questions that patients ask about IVF treatment is why it is so expensive. In this video, Dr. Malpani addresses this concern and explains the various factors that contribute to the high cost of IVF. Patients often feel distressed when th......

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Balancing Career and Family: A Conversation with Dr. Malpani on Egg Freezing

Patient: Dr. Malpani, I’m at a point in my life where I want to pursue higher education and build a successful career, but I also want to have children someday. It feels like achieving both might be impossible, especially as I get older. What do you think? Dr. Mal......

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How Information Therapy Can Help Lower Stress During IVF Treatment

Patient: Dr. Malpani, I've heard that stress can negatively impact the success of an IVF cycle. Is that true? Dr. Malpani: That's a common myth. While stress is a natural response to the pressures of IVF, there's no scientific evidence to support the idea that str......

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Dr. Malpani’s Insights on Sexless Marriages

Patient: Dr. Malpani, I've been hearing about this term, "social infertility." What exactly does it mean? Dr. Malpani: Social infertility is a relatively new concept. Unlike traditional infertility, which is defined by the inability to conceive after a year of reg......

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The Misuse of Technology in IVF: Dr. Malpani Exposes the Truth

Patient: Dr. Malpani, I've been hearing a lot about all these advanced tests and treatments available in IVF. Can you explain if they truly improve the chances of pregnancy? Dr. Malpani: That's a great question. While technological advancements in IVF have certain......

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Why Day 5 Embryo Transfers Are More Successful: A Conversation with Dr. Malpani

Patient: Dr. Malpani, I've been reading a lot about the timing of embryo transfers in IVF. Could you explain why day 5 transfers are often recommended over day 3 transfers? Dr. Malpani: Absolutely, I'd be happy to explain. The timing of embryo transfers is crucial......

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Online Consultation with Dr Malpani , IVF specialist

Investing ₹ 3000 for a Zoom consultation with Dr. Aniruddha Malpani is incredibly cost-effective. This nominal fee can prevent you from wasting lakhs on incorrect treatments at subpar IVF clinics, ultimately saving you time, money, and stress. Many IVF......

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