

What IVF patients need to achieve success ! IVF video

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Should I use donor eggs to have a baby ? IVF video

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The dirty little secret about modern IVF tests - IVF video

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Failed implantation is the rule of human reproduction! IVF video

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Why do so many IVF cycles fail - Video

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Will IVF give me twins?

One of the concerns which lots of people have is that the risk of a twin or triplet pregnancy is increased after IVF. This can be a cause for worry because lots of people are anxious about their ability to be able tobring up two babies at a time. It's not......

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What is the cost of an IVF cycle?

This is a common question which patients ask, but it's actually a poorly framed question, because what they should be asking is, "What is the cost of getting an IVF baby?" After all, the only reason you do IVF is because you want to get a baby, so this is the only ou......

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Will IVF be painful?

This is one of the commonest concerns patients have about IVF. They've heard so many horror stories about all the injections which IVF patients need to take, and injections are naturally associated with pain. However, the modern hormonal injecti......

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Does IVF cause cancer?

This is one of the common concerns which IVF patients have, because they know that hormones are responsible for increasing the risk for cancers such as breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Since the IVF doctor is pumping your body full of all these reprodu......

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Will IVF make me put on weight ?

One of the common myths which clouds IVF is that patients will put on weight after doing an IVF cycle. This seems quiteintuitive. After all, aren't we pumping the body full of all hormones when doing IVF? And don't hormones make women fat? And everyone......

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