Patient: Dr. Malpani, I came across the term "assisted oocyte activation" while researching fertility treatments. It sounds complex and intimidating. Could you explain what it means and if it's something I might need? Dr. Malpani: Of course! "Assisted oocyte activ......
As a doctor, innovator, entrepreneur, and investor, I have always sought to push the boundaries of what is possible in medicine. Recently, Dr Anjali and I were awarded a patent, in partnership with IIT, for a non-invasive ultrasound-guided ovarian ablation device aimed......
Patient: Dr. Malpani, I'm struggling to cope with the fact that my IVF cycle failed. I did everything right—followed all your instructions, took the medications on time, and we even had a good-quality embryo. I was so sure it would work. Dr. Malpani: I understand......
Patient: Dr. Malpani, I’ve heard a lot about HCG tests. Can you explain what they are and why they're important? Dr. Malpani: Of course! HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. It's a hormone that’s produced by the placenta shortly after the embryo attaches......
Patient: Dr. Malpani, I've been hearing stories about bad experiences with IVF doctors. How can I ensure that I'm choosing the right doctor? Dr. Malpani: Sadly, not all IVF doctors are good. In fact, it's much easier to be a bad IVF doctor than a good one. A key......
Patient: Dr. Malpani, I’ve been reading about sperm DNA fragmentation testing. Some clinics are recommending it for infertile men. Do I really need this test? Dr. Malpani: It’s a common question, and the simple answer is no. Infertile men typically require only o......
Patient: Dr. Malpani, I’ve heard a lot about genetic testing in IVF. We know that one of the main reasons for IVF failure is a genetic defect in the embryo, so shouldn't we be testing embryos for genetic abnormalities before transfer? Dr. Malpani: That’s a common......
Patient: Dr. Malpani, I've been reading a lot about infertility, and one term that keeps coming up is "sexless marriage." What exactly does that mean? Dr. Malpani: That's a great question. Surprisingly, one of the common problems we see today is what's often call......
Patient: Dr. Malpani, I keep hearing about day 3 and day 5 embryo transfers. Why do some IVF doctors still do day 3 transfers when the success rates seem to be better with day 5 transfers? Dr. Malpani: That's an excellent question. It's universally accepted that......
Patient: Dr. Malpani, when I think of IVF, I see it as this advanced medical procedure, full of science and technology, promising to give us a baby. But is it really that straightforward? Dr. Malpani: You're right—it involves a lot of science and technology. Howe......