

Our IVF success story

We would like to share our wonderful experience with Drs. Anjali and Aniruddha Malpani. We have just begun our journey of parenthood and are thankful to Dr. Malpani for it.  We had been married for 3.5 yrs at the time we met Dr. Malpani. We live in Delhi and had......

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How can we make IVF more affordable

1.       We need to make IVF more affordable , because there are millions of Indian infertile couples who require IVF, but can't pay for it , because it's become so expensive . Health insurers should cover for IVF treatment, because infertility is the commonest med......

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Dr Anjali Malpani has been honoured with the Times Healthcare Achiever Award 2018 in Mumbai

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The IVF hurdle race !

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Certifying the quality of an IVF lab

Patients know that there is a lot of variability between the success rates of IVF clinics, and they are not sure how to make sure that they one they select is a good clinic or not. Should they go by their family doctor's advice ? or the size of the advertisement the c......

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Sperm DNA fragmentation does not affect your fertility !

A patient just send me this email I have had a sperm test done and my Sperm DNA Fragmentation ( DFI) index count is 40 %. My doctor says my wife will require a sperm donor.  This is a classic example of how over-testing leads to poor medical care and harms pat......

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Is there any connection between Grade C embryos and the risk of birth defects ?

A patient asked me this question. Can Grade A embryos result in abnormalities in the baby ? Or do only Grade C results in abnormalities ?  Sadly, there is still a lot of misunderstanding  about embryo grading . Most embryologists are not skilled enough to be able t......

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The limits of IVF technology

  The IVF lab is the heart of IVF treatment. We keep your eggs and sperms safely in the incubator, and your embryos grow in the IVF culture medium in vitro, until they form good quality blastocysts, which are ready to either be frozen , or to be transferred into yo......

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The difference between IVF outputs and IVF outcomes - what every patient needs to know !

What every patient ( and every doctor) wants from every IVF cycle is a happy ending -  a baby. It's great when we can achieve this happy outcome, but sadly IVF does not have a 100% pregnancy rate, which means many IVF cycles fail. While this is heartbreaking, the patie......

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How can we make IVF more affordable in India ?

I often see lots of infertile patients who could get pregnant if they did IVF treatment. Unfortunately, they just cannot afford to do an IVF cycle for financial reasons, and they end up without a baby. It fair to say  that  this causes them a significant amount of  fru......

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