

Making IVF affordable in India

I often see lots of infertile patients who could get pregnant if they did IVF treatment. Unfortunately, they just cannot afford to do an IVF cycle for financial reasons, and they end up without a baby. It fair to say  that  this causes them a significant amount of  fr......

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What do we need to change for our next IVF cycle

After her IVF cycle failed, a patient sent me this email In retrospect what do you think could have gone wrong? Is there anything I need to improve or change ?  It's important to learn from each IVF cycle by analysing what went, and what didn't. The right time......

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How to prevent errors in IVF - what every patient needs to know !

The biggest nightmare for any IVF patient is that the lab may mix up their eggs and sperms with another patients. This has happened in many clinics, and IVF is as prone to errors as any other treatment because it is provided by a host of people working together – doc......

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Second opinions for IVF patients

While second opinions can be quite helpful in reducing " avoidable medical care" , they come with their own set of challenges. . Patients are scared about seeking out a second opinion because they are worried that by doing so, the doctor who is treating them will get o......

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How many IVF cycles will it take for me to get pregnant ?

    There are some questions which IVF doctors cannot answer accurately, and one of these is the commonest questions patients ask - How many IVF cycles will it take for me to get pregnant? Patients know that IVF doesn't have a 100% pregnancy rate and that th......

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Why a picture is worth a 1000 words in an IVF cycle !

This is why patients should always insist that their IVF clinic provide them with photos of their embryos. This helps to keep the IVF clinic honest ! Good clinics provide embryo photos routinely and proactively, because they are transparent, open and accountable.  Sa......

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Root cause analysis for IVF failure

 We treat lots of engineers and computer programmers who are infertile , and when their IVF cycle fails, they ask us, "Can we please do a root cause analysis to find out why the cycle failed?" After all, they are engineers and think logically and analytically.......

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Overdiagnosis in IVF - how some IVF clinics increase work for themselves.

Lots of IVF doctors are very trigger happy, and make a diagnosis which is completely inaccurate. For example, they will do an ultrasound scan for a patient on the fifth or sixth day of the cycle and notice at that time that the follicles are small or the endometrium......

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Why do IVF doctors sing a different tune after the IVF cycle fails ?

Patients who have failed an IVF cycle often find that what their doctor told them at the time of the embryo transfer is very different from what they tell them after their IVF cycle fails.  At the time of the transfer they are very optimistic , and gush about how g......

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How over-reporting on ultrasound scans harms infertile patients

Vaginal ultrasound is an extremely useful tool when evaluating an infertile woman, but it often bothers me because there are some sonographers who over interpret the scan images. Now, I like the fact that they are careful and systematic, and document everything they......

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