

IVF patient versus IVF doctor - when your doctor refuses to listen to you

IVF patients are often faced with a dilemma when their doctor refuses to listen to their personal preferences, and they don't agree with their doctor's advice . For example, there are older patients with DOR ( diminished ovarian reserve) who want to try IVF with their o......

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How to choose the best IVF doctor

I'm an IVF specialist , and when our patients get pregnant , they ask us to refer them to an obstetrician. The commonest question is, "Which obstetrician should we go to?" This is completely reasonable - after all , they trust me, and want me to refer them to a good doc......

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Why being an IVF specialist is the best job in the world !

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Patients need to use Dr Google wisely

Most doctors don't like patients who search for information on the internet . Their experience has been that because there is so much unreliable information on the internet , these patients get lost and confused; and are always trying to second-guess their doctor's adv......

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Fed up of being treated by assistants at your IVF clinic ?

I received this email from a doctor recently. Dear Sir I'm Dr BG, an orthopedic surgeon. My sperm count is just 1 million per ml. We have had 3 failed ICSI cycles. In the first cycle , 10 eggs were retrieved and 5 embryos formed and day 5 blastocyst transfer  of 3 emb......

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I am 43 - can I get pregnant naturally?

Since I provide free second opinion on my website, I get lots of queries from patients.pOne of the common inquiries I get is from older women who want to know what their chances of getting pregnant are. Now, this is an easy question to ask, but as with a lot of simple......

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Is this a good quality embryo ?

We routinely show patients their embryos before the transfer, and this can be quite an emotional moment for them. The commonest question they ask is - "Is this a good quality embryo?" Of course, what they really want to know is if that embryo will become a baby, but t......

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Straight from the heart of an infertile woman

I admire and respect my patients, because I learn so much from them I just got this post from G. She has a lot of courage to bare her soul like this, and discuss topics which are considered to be taboo. This is powerful stuff, because it's straight from the heart . S......

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Have you failed many IVF cycles ?

Patients who have failed multiple IVF cycles are extremely frustrated. They are their wit's ends, because everything they have tried has failed so far. They are desperate enough to try to clutch at straws. They are willing to explore many different options, including c......

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The embryologist - the unsung hero of the IVF clinic.

Lots of patients don't know how to evaluate how good or bad an IVF clinic is. This is hardly surprising , because when they go to an IVF clinic, all they do is see the doctor,  who is a clinician. However , the real heart of IVF treatment lies in the IVF laboratory, w......

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