

What can we do differently in the next IVF cycle?

When an IVF cycle fails, the first question patients ask is "What went wrong?" And the second question is "What can we do differently the next time? Is there something new  we can try out , which will help us to increase the chances of getting pregnant?"  Now this is a......

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What do IVF success rates really mean ?

The commonest question patients ask IVF doctors is, "What is your success rate?" It's an easy question to ask, but the answer can be extremely misleading and therefore you need to be careful how you interpret the number. For one, a lot of doctors just lie to you , and......

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Why do IVF doctors abandon their patients?

Most IVF patients are mature enough to realize that the success rate in an IVF cycle is never going to be a 100%. No matter how perfect your embryos are; how good your doctor is; and how easy the transfer is , we still have no control over implantation, and cannot predi......

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How to identify a bad IVF clinic

It's very difficult for patients to decide which the right IVF clinic for them is.  Even though they know this is a crucial decision, the fact is that for most patients all IVF clinics seem pretty much the same. Their websites are very similar ( and many sites copy the......

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How to reduce IVF anxiety

Lots of patients are very scared of doing IVF. This is partly because they've heard lots of horror stories about how IVF babies are abnormal, or that the hormones will make them fat, or that if they grow too many eggs, they will either get menopausal sooner, or start ge......

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Making sense of statistics about IVF success rates

The commonest question patients ask IVF doctors is, "What is your success rate?" It's an easy question to ask, but the answer can be extremely misleading and therefore you need to be careful how you interpret the number.   For one, a lot of doctors just lie to you , a......

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IVF information in Hindi

Smart phones in India have become cheaper, and 4G has become pervasive and affordable. More than half the Indian population is now online, and while most of them use the smartphone for entertainment, they have also started using it for hunting for information. While......

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हिन्दी में आईवीएफ जानकारी

भारत में स्मार्ट फोन सस्ता हो गए हैं, और 4 जी व्यापक और सस्ती हो गई है। आधे से अधिक भारतीय आबादी अब ऑनलाइन है, और जब उनमें से ज्यादातर मनोरंजन के लिए स्मार्टफोन का उपयोग, वे भी जानकारी के लिए शिकार के लिए उपयोग शुरू कर दिया है। जबकि आम कारण सस्ते दामों पर और सौदों के लि......

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The many hats I wear

For most of my patients, I am just their IVF specialist. However, I do wear lots of other hats as well - and if you are interested in what I do, you can follow my LinkedIn posts at, where I try to sha......

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Reducing IVF anxiety

Lots of patients are very scared of doing IVF. This is partly because they've heard lots of horror stories about how IVF babies are abnormal, or that the hormones will make them fat, or that if they grow too many eggs, they will either get menopausal sooner, or start......

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