

Difficult IVF Patients

  In the course of our work, we do get to see a number of difficult IVF patients; and then there are also ones that have a poor prognosis. These patients typically have only one problem- it could either be poor endometrium or poor eggs. These are the most difficult p......

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The Amenorrhea and infertility Connection

Amenorrhea is the absence of periods. This symptom is a result of a disorder of the reproductive system. In some cases, it is also accompanied by various symptoms such as excess facial hair, headaches or even abdominal pain, based on what is causing it. At the Malpani......

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The Best way to Handle Anxiety before an IVF Cycle

There is no doubt about the fact that infertility treatment is a very challenging and lengthy journey for any woman. In reality , it’s nothing more than a medical problem, like any other; however there are always the conventional concerns around infertility, that tend......

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What can you Expect During the Early Stages of IVF Pregnancy?

The end of an IVF cycle isn’t the end of your woes. As a matter of fact, once the cycle is over, the excruciatingly long wait to take a pregnancy test begins. This phase is awash with anxiety as you are eagerly expecting good news and if you get a positive result, thi......

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Choosing the Right Fertility Specialist

If you are considering doing IVF, keep in mind that the journey can be a very lengthy and trying one. This is why it’s important that you zero-in on the right fertility specialist, who would handle your case sensitively and one who would always give you the right advi......

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Doctor Why Did My Miscarriage Occur?

From an emotional perspective, miscarriage is a very painful event. When you are eagerly looking forward to having a baby, and then lose the pregnancy, it can literally break you. This situation becomes a lot worse for infertile patients. The extended treatment, the i......

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When Should I Raise the “Stop” Sign to IVF?

Sometimes, IVF can become a long and drawn-out affair and can take you to breakpoint. So how can you avoid reaching that point? How do you know when it’s time to stop and say that you have tried enough and it’s now time to move on? A patient of mine had once posed thi......

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IVF Clinics- Why small is beautiful !

                                          There are a number of factors that infertile couples have to take into consideration when choosing an IVF clinic. One of the most important criterion should be the clinic’s success rate- the doctor’s competence in making babie......

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When IVF Doctors Make Mistakes

IVF is a complex enterprise, and when there are so many moving parts, it’s inevitable that mistakes will creep in. When IVF doctors make a mistake, they find it very hard to acknowledge the error. Doctors do their level best not to make mistakes; and so when they do s......

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Gynecologist or Infertility Specialist?- It Isn’t a Coin Toss

Most infertile couples are confused about whom they should visit when they require medical assistance. It’s true that both the man and the woman get affected by infertility, but it’s typically the woman who is proactive with seeking medical care. Most bypass their fam......

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