When an IVF cycle fails , it causes a lot of frustration and anguish; not just for the patient, but for the doctor too. The first thing the patient asks her doctor is – “Why did my cycle fail?” and understandably, doctors are also under a great deal of stress when......
Many doctors are of the opinion that IVF specialists are now doing just too much IVF. A gynecologist friend of mine pointed out that some of his patients are choosing to do IVF even when there is no need for it. In one such case, a patient of his had gone to her doct......
Infertility treatment is very complex; not just in the way the actual treatment is, but because it tends to consume the patient in more ways than one. It’s significantly expensive and it takes an emotional toll on patients. Sometimes, when their cycles fail, patients......
Empowering Your Family-Building Journey Through Innovation At Malpani Infertility Clinic, led by the esteemed Dr. Anjali Malpani and Dr. Aniruddha Malpani, we prioritize patient education and support throughout your IVF journey. This includes a comprehensive understand......
There was a time not long ago, when only doctors were experts in the field of medicine. They assimilated knowledge by reading through heaps and heaps of fat medical books and of course they gained knowledge from their professors. They burned the midnight oil and appea......
Many patients who come in for a consultation walk in with fat medical files in tow. These have copies of their previous test results, and there could be summaries of the treatment cycles they have already been through. They place these on my table, wait for me to go t......
Infertility is something that affects both, men and women, but when a couple is unable to have a baby even after trying for a very long time, most people assume (including the couple themselves) that the woman is infertile. This is something which can be attributed ......
Women from the previous generations (especially from your grandmother’s generation), didn’t have to worry about their fertility. This is simply because most of the women of that generation married young and then they simply allow......
Male infertility is as common as female infertility; if not more. Even though around 40% of infertility cases are caused due to medical problems with the male partner, it’s often difficult to detect the reason for male infertility. Fortunately, it’s now possible to us......
Poly cystic Ovarian Disorder (PCOD) is a very common cause of infertility. It is a disorder of the ovaries that leads to irregular menstrual cycles. These patients require regular cyclical treatment each month to help them get their regular menstrual cycle. The unfort......