

Natural Conception Tips: A Conversation with Dr. Malpani

Patient: Dr. Malpani, my partner, and I have been trying to conceive naturally. Are there any tips you can give us? Are we doing something wrong? Dr. Malpani: That's a very common question, and I completely understand where you're coming from. Many couples ask for......

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IVF Treatment and Travelling: A Conversation with Dr. Malpani

Patient: Dr. Malpani, I have a concern. I live in Borivali, and I'm considering travelling all the way to Colaba for IVF treatment at your clinic. My local IVF doctor says it's too dangerous and that travelling will reduce my chances of getting pregnant. They also m......

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Embryo Transfer and Lifestyle: A Conversation with Dr. Malpani

Patient: Dr. Malpani, I've just had an embryo transfer, and I'm feeling quite anxious. There's so much conflicting advice on what I should and shouldn't do now. Can you help clarify this for me? Dr. Malpani: Absolutely. I'd be happy to help. The period after an em......

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The Truth About Sperm DNA Fragmentation Index: A Conversation with Dr. Malpani

Patient: Dr. Malpani, I've been reading about various tests for infertility, and I came across something called the Sperm DNA Fragmentation Index. Can you explain what that is? Dr. Malpani: Of course. The Sperm DNA Fragmentation Index, or DFI, is a test that measu......

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Understanding the Maximum Age Limit for IVF in India: A Conversation with Dr. Malpani

Patient: Dr. Malpani, I’ve heard different things about the age limit for IVF in India. Can you help clarify it for me? Dr. Malpani: Of course. The rules regarding the maximum age limit for IVF have changed significantly over the years. There was a time when there......

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The Testicular PRP Scam

Patient: Dr. Malpani, I've been hearing about a new treatment called testicular PRP for men with testicular failure. Is this a viable option? Dr. Malpani: Ah, the testicular PRP scam. I'm always amazed by the ingenuity of some IVF specialists who continuously come......

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The Implantation Failure Scam

Patient: Dr. Malpani, I recently had an IVF cycle that failed, and my doctor said it was due to implantation failure. They suggested that I either repeat the cycle, use donor eggs, or undergo additional tests like PGD or ERA. Is this really necessary? Dr. Malpani:......

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The Pregnancy Test Scam

Patient: Dr. Malpani, I’ve heard about some unethical practices in IVF clinics. Can you explain more about these? Dr. Malpani: Absolutely. One particularly despicable trick that many doctors seem to use is to give patients HCG injections after the embryo transfer......

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Easing IVF Anxiety: Dr. Malpani's Guide to a Stress-Free Cycle

Patient: Dr. Malpani, I’m really anxious about starting my IVF cycle. I’ve heard so many stories from friends, and I’m worried about the pain and complications. Dr. Malpani: It’s perfectly normal to feel anxious before starting IVF. Let's talk about your specific......

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Unveiling the Truth About Male Infertility: Dr. Malpani’s Insights

Patient: Dr. Malpani, my partner, and I have been struggling with infertility, and we’re really confused. We’ve heard that male infertility is often overlooked. Can you shed some light on this? Dr. Malpani: Absolutely. Male infertility affects about 1 in 5 couples......

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