

Amenorrhea and infertility

                                   Amenorrhea is the absence of periods. It is a symptom which is a result of some underlying disorder of the reproductive system. It may or may not be accompanied by other symptoms like headache, excess facial hair, and abdomina......

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My IVF Success Story

This is our story towards success. We are a couple from Bangalore, married in 2011 and reside abroad. We wanted to start our family immediately after marriage. But after a year of no luck, we decided to consult an infertility specialist. On our vacation, we came down......

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Why are we scared of cloning ?

                                     Human cloning has now become a "hot" topic on cocktail party circuits, and many people find the possibility of making carbon copies of themselves amusing. However, the issue also makes many people very uncomfortable, and the......

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When infertile patients find they are between a Rock And a Hard Place

                                In infertility, we sometimes have to take difficult treatment decisions. The fact is that medicine is an imprecise messy biological science, and sometimes we just need to make the best call from among the available options.......

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The uterus as an oyster

Body: One of the reasons the 2ww seems dreadfully long is because patients are paranoid about what is happening to their embryos inside their uterus. They are petrified that if they cough or sneeze, their embryos with fall out of their uterus. They are worried about the......

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Cost of IVF Treatment in India | Malpani Infertility clinic, Mumbai |Test tube baby cost in India

Unveiling the True Cost of IVF: Achieving Pregnancy Success and Peace of Mind Starting a family is a beautiful dream, and for some couples, in vitro fertilization (IVF) offers a path to making that dream a reality. While IVF can be life-changing, there are financial......

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Difficult IVF Patients

                                          Most difficult IVF patients (those with a poor prognosis) usually have just one problem - either poor eggs or a poor endometrium. Between a rock and a hard place - dealing with poor prognosis IVF patients Most dif......

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Why our IVF clinic prefers treating older women

Lots of IVF doctors don't like treating older women because their chances of IVF success are lower and this affects their IVF clinic pregnancy rate. In fact, some will advise donor egg IVF for all women over the age of 40, no matter what her ovarian reserve is! It's......

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Doctor why did I miscarry ?

                    Miscarriage is always an emotionally painful event. When you are looking forward to having a baby, they losing the pregnancy can break your heart. It's much worse for infertile patients ! After all that waiting, when you finally get a positi......

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Preserving Eggs & Embryos in IVF Lab

We pamper your sperms, eggs and embryos in the IVF lab as carefully as you take care of your newborn baby! In the IVF Lab, we provide everything that's required to nourish your eggs and embryos. How do We Take Care of your Eggs and Embryos in the IVF Lab?......

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