

Paid To Get Women Pregnant

Find out about the services that we offer to help you start a family ... I get women pregnant - and get paid for it ! Jokes apart, being an IVF specialist is very gratifying. I treat couples in the prime of their reproductive (and productive lives) and help them to......

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Gynecologists versus infertility specialists

                                                                                                                             Should infertile couples go to a gynecologist or an infertility specialist? Both options have advantages and disadvantages. Study them carefully......

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Does CAT help to improve IVF pregnancy rates ?

                                   IVF patients are always on the lookout for innovations which will improve their chances of success. For example, many IVF patients ask us whether we do IMSI or CAT. Well, here are the answers. IVF patients are always on......

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Ovulex - Taking Infertile couples for a ride

                                                      Please evaluate carefully the efficacy of taking cleverly marketed medicines like Ovulex before being fooled by their advertisements. Many of them are not backed by controlled clinical trials conducted by an......

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Does it matter how many IVF cycles you have failed earlier ?

Many patients have failed multiple IVF treatment cycles in other clinics. While it's true that success rates do tend do drop in women who have had failed IVF cycles, this is not always true, and there are some refreshing exceptions! We see many patients who have fail......

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When should the gynecologist refer a patient to an IVF specialist ?

Gynecologists are primary health care physicians for women. This is why when a woman has infertility issues , the first doctor she will contact will usually be her gynecologist. Since gynecologists are specialists in dealing with women's health , they are very capable......

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Why have IV Intralipids become so popular for IVF patients ?

                                                 A number of clinics are now prescribing intravenous intralipids for patients who have failed an IVF cycle. The hypothesis is that intravenous intralipids will help to increase the chances of successful embryo imp......

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                 Many men with  a low sperm count also have  a varicocele, which is a swollen varicose vein in the scrotum - usually on the left side. The reason for infertility associated with a varicocele is unclear and it's possible that it's coincidental rather tha......

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Why does the infertile man get such poor quality treatment ?

                                   As an IVF specialist , I have noticed that infertile men often get very poor quality treatment. There are many of reasons for this: The first is the infertile couple themselves. Having a baby is usually considered to be the woman's......

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Why Did My IVF Cycle Fail ?

                                    This is one of the hardest questions IVF doctors need to answer - and many do a bad job of dealing with patients when their IVF cycle fails. Here are the reasons and answers to your questions. When the IVF cycle fails , patients are......

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