

Making sense of your IVF medications

                                            Most patients get hopelessly confused with the medications their doctor uses for their IVF treatment , because there are so many different treatment protocols available. This article will help you understand what meds your do......

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How to save money on Gonadotropin injections?

                                            One of the major expenses of an IVF cycle is the cost of the Gonadotropin injections (HMG/ FSH/ menotropins) which are used for superovulation. You can save money by getting your doctor to prescribe generic medicines, and not......

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Miscarriage after infertility treatment - the double whammy

                                   Miscarriages are extremely common and occur in about 10% of all pregnancies. And a miscarriage after infertility treatment is harder to come to terms with. The silver lining is that women who have had at least one miscarriage have a b......

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How many embryos should I transfer ?

                                                                             Deciding how many embryos to transfer remains the most difficult decision patients and doctors need to make in an IVF cycle. In a perfect world, if IVF technology ensured a 100% pregnancy rate......

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Infertility Friends -- The Right And The Plight Of The Infertile Couple

                               Society can do much to improve the plight of infertile couples. Friends, neighbours, employers, in-laws, domestic help and even Insurance companies need to change their attitude to empathise and support couples who are unable to have ch......

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Embryos and Eggs Verification Technique

There are 2 methods of Cryopreservation of your Embryos and Eggs: Vitrification and Slow Freezing. Understanding the pros and cons of these processes will help you decide which is best suited for your condition. Why we prefer Vitrification over Slow Freezing for cryopr......

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Who should you go to - Gynecologist ? Or Infertility Specialist

Should infertile couples go to a gynecologist or an infertility specialist? Most gynecologists can competently diagnose the cause of infertility and provide basic medical treatment. If things look more complex, it's better to consult an Infertility Specialist. Infertil......

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Empty Follicle Syndrome (EFS) - a guide for IVF doctors

                                  Many IVF specialists do not know how to deal with Empty Follicle Syndrome (EFS). This is a guide for IVF doctors dealing with EFS. Vaginal egg collection is a very routine procedure in an IVF clinic. The procedure is over......

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Downregulation in IVF

                                                      In order to superovulate you properly during your IVF cycle, we first need to downregulate you. This article explains why we need to do this - and how we do so Superovulation - helping you to grow more eggs - is th......

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Superovulation in IVF | Your Guide to IVF Success

Overview:During an IVF cycle, doctors use medications called menotropins (HMG) to stimulate follicles in the ovaries to grow more eggs. Superovulation usually starts on Day 2 or 3, as the body starts selecting follicles for growth each month from Day 1 to 3. These injec......

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