Danazol is a synthetic hormone, and used to be commonly prescribed as one type of treatment for endometriosis. It acts by suppressing the brain's production of follicle stimulating hormones and hence suppresses ovarian function. This is similar to an artificial menopaus......
Necrozoospermia is an uncommon diagnosis. This is the rare condition in which all of the sperm in a man's semen is dead. Because this is so uncommon, there's still a lot of confusion about the right way to manage this. Step number 1 is to confirm the diagnosis. Often,......
How is ultrasound (sonography) used for treating infertility ? Ultrasound or sonography has helped revolutionize our approach to the infertile patient. Ultrasound machines are a very useful and help the doctor "image" or see structures in the female pe......
Fertility drugs are extensively used in treating infertility. These include: Clomiphene, Letrozole, Bromocriptine, Danazol, Growth Hormone, HMG, HCG,FSH, GnRH analogs, GnRH anatgonists. It's a long list, and this can b......
This is an oocyte-cumulus complex which is identified in the follicular fluid (aspirated during egg collection) when this is scanned under the stereozoom microscope in the IVF lab. Note how shapeless the egg is, and how difficult it is to judge egg quality by just lo......
Undiagnosed and untreated thyroid disease can be a cause for infertility or recurrent miscarriage. The thyroid hormone is important for growth and metabolism , and because it regulates cellular function, abnormal thyroid function can affect your fertility. Hypothyroi......
What is progesterone ? Progesterone is a hormone (a chemical messenger) produced by the ovaries that is necessary to support pregnancy. Progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary after ovulation; and is essential for ripening the uterine lining so that......
For about 10% of infertile couples we cannot determine what the reason for their infertility is. The diagnostic label we use for them is unexplained infertility, which just means that we cannot provide an explanation as to why t......
The Luteinizing Hormone (LH) is necessary for fertility. In women, LH helps regulate ovulation. In men, LH helps the testes to make and secrete testosterone. It can be measured by a simple blood test called the Luteinizing Hormone Test. What is Luteinizing Hormone (L......
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