Estradiol (E2) is the primary estrogenic hormone in the female reproductive cycle. The estradiol test is a simple blood test used to measure the levels of estradiol in your bloodstream. Estradiol Test What is Estradiol? Estradiol (E2) is the primary estrogen, t......
The most worrisome complication of IVF is that of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), because of superovulation. The cause of "ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome" is that superovulated ovaries contain many follicles which are loaded with estrogen. After ovulation,......
What is Prolactin? Prolactin is a hormone that is secreted by your pituitary gland, a pea-sized gland found below the brain. Prolactin is found in both men and women and is released at various times throughout the day and night. As the name suggests, the role of prolac......
Some infertility solutions do not require medical intervention. Self-Insemination is simple in practice and can be done at home with a partner or even by yourself. DIY (do-it-yourself) or self-insemination, is a metho......
Many men have difficulty producing a semen sample on demand. This is especially true when the laboratory provides you with a small dirty bathroom and a tiny glass container in which to collect the semen sample. Such suboptimal conditions can cause you to produce a spe......
The condition which affects a woman's ability to have sexual intercourse is called vaginismus. This is due to a conditioned muscle reflex in the lower pelvic muscle called the PC (pubococcygeus) muscle, which clamps shut, making penetration either extremely painful or......
What is a chemical (or biochemical) pregnancy? How is it different from a clinical or regular pregnancy? How can you be a little bit pregnant? A chemical pregnancy occurs when an embryo does not implant properly. The embryo produces enough HCG (human chorionic gonado......
When you are finally pregnant, the doctor uses ultrasound scans to confirm your pregnancy is progressing well ! What does the doctor look for when he does your pregnancy scans ? Once you get pregnant, your pregnancy will be carefully monitored, to ensure that it is......
ZIFT (Zygote Intrafallopian transfer) is a better option for transferring embryos back into the body. Remember that an embryo on Day 1, 2 3 belongs in the fallopian tube - not in the petri dish or the uterus ! Rather than put embryos into the uterus on Day 2 or 3, it is......
After the tense 2 weeks wait, you then have to start monitoring your HCG levels, to confirm they are rising well. However, hurdles do not stop here. After the HCG levels have risen well, you then need to start doing serial ultrasound scans to confirm your pregnancy is......