

Infertility overtesting - doing tests " Just to be Sure"

Why too many tests can be bad for infertile couples I see many infertile couples who have a very had a wide range of tests done. Some of these tests are extremely expensive , and don't provide any useful information as regards their fertility. These include : tests for......

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Why am I not getting pregnant ?

This is the commonest questions an infertile patient wants an answer to ! Doctor, my sex life is great. I have regular periods and I'm in good health , so why I am not getting pregnant ? Unfortunately, just being in good health, does not mean that your eggs are fine;......

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Why IUI fails ? | Reasons for failed IUI Treatment

IUI or intrauterine insemination is one of the commonest infertility treatments available. It's a fairly low-cost inexpensive treatment, and because it does not require much technical expertise to offer, most gynecologists will offer IUI as the first treatment option......

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Amenorrhea and infertility

When you miss your period, the doctor calls this condition amenorrhea. Since there are many possible reasons for this symptom, your doctor will have to do a detailed evaluation to come to the right diagnosis. Amenorrhea is the medical term which is used to describe the......

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Infertility and missed periods

Infertile women may miss their periods. This is called amenorrhea; and because there are many possible reasons for this, it's important to perform medical tests to find the right diagnosis, so it can be treated correctly Missing a period can be very difficult for inf......

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Premature ejaculation , sexual self-esteem and infertility

Premature ejaculation is the commonest male sexual problem. It is very distressing , because it makes the man feel inadequate and inferior. Most infertile men have poor sexual self-esteem. As it is , they feel inadequate because they cannot get their wife pregnant. On t......

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Pelvic pain and infertility

Infertile women will often have pelvic pain. You need to set your priorities, so the doctor knows what to focus on ! Lots of infertile patients also have pelvic pain . Both pelvic pain and infertility are common complaints amongst women in the reproductive age group,......

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Treating shadows in the infertile couple

Modern medicine involves a lot of testing. While some is useful, overtesting leads to unnecessary overtreatment for many infertile couples As medical technology has improved, it's now possible for us to take images of lots of stuff in the pelvis which we previously co......

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Providing feedback to doctors to help them to learn

Giving regular feedback to your doctor is very important in the treatment process. This is good for the patient, and for the doctor as well, as doctors learn from their patients ! What makes a good doctor good is the fact that he has good clinical judgment. This is a t......

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HCG level chart | Why is it so hard to make sense of your HCG levels ?

Beta HCG levels are not straight forward indicators of pregnancy. While there is a correlation between the health of the pregnancy and beta HCG  levels, it requires an experienced professional to make an accurate sense of it. HCG ( also known as beta HCG or just beta)......

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