

Why do my sperm counts vary so much ?

Men worry when they test their sperm count and find it fluctuating wildly. But it is a medical fact that sperm counts vary all the time. It is impossible to control; and variations are more the rule than the exception One of the most frustrating problems for infertil......

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Why don't you have a copy of your IVF medical records ?

Getting a copy of your medical treatment details is not only your right; it's your responsibility as well! Make sure that you obtain a copy of your IVF medical records as it helps in future course of action. I see patients who have done IVF cycles in other clinics all......

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Top 10 myths about infertility

To successfully remedy infertility, it helps to start by clearing away common misconceptions and myths. Here are ten common misunderstandings about it. Probably one of the most enjoyable books I've read on infertility is: A Few Good Eggs: Two Chicks Dish on Overcom......

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How do infections cause male infertility ? - Dr Malpani

Male fertility is affected by infections like tuberculosis, mumps and sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis. The most common cause of azoospermia in India was previously smallpox. This infection injured the epididymis, leading to ductal......

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Making sense of your infertility treatment options

Many infertile couples do little to try to make sense of their treatment options. Infertility is quite a simple topic, when broken down into its component parts. Let us find out more I just saw an infertile 42 year old woman who said - Doctor, my husband has a low sper......

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Unexplained infertility vs incompletely evaluated infertility

Sometimes all the infertility diagnostic tests come out positive, but the patient still cannot concieve. This is quite common and leads to frustration. Many patients are diagnosed with having unexplained infertility. This means that all their fertility tests - semen a......

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Missed or delayed periods ? | A guide for every infertile woman

Threre are many reasons for missing periods, and for an infertile woman it could be a specially difficult moment. An understanding of the biology involved will make it easier to deal with. Missing a period can be very difficult for infertile women ! Every time you miss......

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Missed periods, Infertility and mind games

Most women know there are many reasons for missing a period, including stress, side effects of medications, or illness. For infertile women however, a missed period is more likely to become an emotional roller coaster of fluctuating hopes and fears. Missing a period......

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Missed periods and infertility

When an infertile woman has a late period her hopes tend to go up and yet, the pregnancy test shows negative! There are many factors that could be responsible including a poorly executed pregnancy test, stress or even weight loss. One of the most frustrating things an......

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Semen Analysis - Everything about male infertility | Pus cells in semen analysis

  Semen Analysis: A Deep Dive into Male Fertility Testing Are you wondering if a semen analysis is in your future? This article provides a comprehensive overview of this essential male fertility test. Why is semen analysis important? For couples struggling t......

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