PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease, PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is one of the commoner causes of infertility in young women. The problem is there is a lot of confusion about this disease , because everyone seems to make this diagnosis at the drop of a hat the n......
Embryo transfer is the final medical procedure in an IVF cycle , and normally this is very straight forward , because all it involves is transferring embryos back into your uterus using a flexible , soft sterile plastic catheter called the embryo transfer catheter, wh......
One of the reasons a medical consultation can be very frustrating for both doctors and patients is that patients get brain freeze when talking to doctors , as a result of which they sometimes distort the facts or jumble them up or don't provide them in the right chron......
Many IVF clinics continue taking patients for a ride by cutting corners . While the ambience of the clinic maybe 5 star and the clinic may look very posh, with lots of patients and plenty of staff members, the reality is that the heart of the IVF clinic is the IVF lab......
The reason freeze-all IVF cycles have become so popular is because it increases pregnancy rates , by allowing patients to have their cake and eat it too. In the past . we would do only fresh cycles and fresh transfers , which means the embryos were transferred back i......
There are several factors that can affect the success of in vitro fertilization (IVF), and the specific steps you can take to improve your chances will depend on your individual situation. Some general tips for increasing your chances of success with IVF include: Op......
Saiprasad Gundeti, Chief Embryologist, Malpani Infertility Clinic In IVF treatment, we freeze/ cryopreserve your spare Embryos after your Embryo Transfer to store them as a backup in case your first cycle is unsuccessful, or we freeze all of your Embryos owing to the r......
There are 3 important reasons you should demand photos of your embryos from your IVF clinic 1.This is a global best practice , which all leading IVF clinics all over the world follow , because this allows them to document that they generated top quality embryos. This......
Now that every gynecologist wants to become an IVF specialist ( because this is considered to be high-profile and profitable) , many gynecologists have started doing IVF in their own clinics. However, because they don't have either the confidence , expertise, competen......
Many young women freeze their eggs as an insurance policy , because it allows them to delay having children until they are ready to have a baby. Some are unsure if its right for them as egg freezing is expensive and invasive. Determining whether freezing your eggs is......