

Why don’t all IVF clinics do only blastocyst transfers routinely for all their IVF patients ?

It has been well documented that the implantation rate with blastocystsis better than with Day 3 embryos. This is common sense , because a day 3 embryo needs to become a blastocyst before it can implant , and this is why its better to grow it in the IVF lab and wai......

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Doctor, my HCG level is 120 mIU/ml. Does this confirm my pregnancy is healthy ?

One of the commonest questions which patients ask me is about their HCG level . Doctor, my HCG level is 120 mIU/ml. Does this confirm my pregnancy is healthy ? Now you cannot determine whether the pregnancy is healthy or not based on a single HCG level. We need to......

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How IVF clinics create work for themselves by issuing incorrect and misleading semen analysis report

Since about 10 to 15% of married couples are infertile, one would think that IVF clinics would be quite busy treating infertile couples. However, the truth is that because there is so much competition , and because IVF treatment is so expensive , these IVF clinics......

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IVF patients need to learn to be proactive in their IVF treatment

When you do IVF, you dont need to become an IVF expert , but it does mean that you should know enough about IVF to be able to differentiate between a good IVF doctor and a bad IVF doctor , so you don't allow bad IVF doctors to take you for a ride . Before you sign......

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How to find the best IVF doctor - a guide for IVF patients

One of the commonest questions patients ask me is - Doctor , we can't come to Mumbai for our IVF treatment , so can you suggest which doctor we can go to in our home town ? I wish I could do that , but the problem is I don't know all the doctors all over the world......

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IVF Video - Was your IVF Failure because of Bad Luck? Or because of a bad IVF clinic ?

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Malpani Baby Making Kit - DIY Self Insemination

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The two questions you need to ask to find the right IVF doctor for your IVF treatment without spending any money !

One of the commonest questions patients ask me is - Doctor , we can't come to Mumbai for our IVF treatment , so can you suggest which doctor we can go to in our home town ? I wish I could do that , but the problem is I don't know all the doctors all over the world......

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IVF Video - Failed IVF Cycle? | How many IVF Cycles should I do? |

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Don't allow your IVF doctor to cheat you !

Please do not allow your doctor to take you for a ride In a perfect world , every IVF doctor would be competent, skills and caring. He would be honest with his patients, and share information transparently, because he took pride in being accountable and answerabl......

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