

Why bypassing the tubes is so helpful when doing IVF

Since IVF basically allows us to bypass the fallopian tubes, its obvious that its going to be helpful for treating patients with tubal factor infertility those whose tubes are blocked or damaged . However, its become invaluable for treating a much wider range of i......

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Infertility treatment at home !

Many infertile couples are getting increasingly frustrated because of the lock down . They cant continue with their treatment because infertility clinics are closed. While ours is open, they cant come to our clinic because of the Lockdown. Also, they are worried th......

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Want to start your IVF treatment now ? Please contact us !

Are you frustrated that your IVF clinic has still not resumed doing IVF cycles ? That they are refusing to treat patients because of this Coronavirus epidemic ? We have good news for you ! Because we are an Boutique IVF clinic which does only IVF treatment, we hav......

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How much will a second IVF cycle cost ?

Patients are getting better informed about IVF, and they realise that IVF doesn't have a hundred percent success rate. They know that they need to go through 2-3 cycles before they succeed, and because IVF is so expensive, they're very worried about how much the sec......

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IVF patients and doctor shopping

    Many IVF patients doctor-shop, but you need to understand the difference between cost , price and value so you can do this intelligently.   IVF patients are often very confused about the costs of an IVF cycle. Obviously , they want to save money , and they......

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Price vs Value for IVF patients

Most IVF patients want the cheapest possible IVF treatment. They naively assume that all IVF doctors are equally good, and that success rates are high in all IVF clinics. They are basically looking for a bargain, which is why they go doctor-shopping , and hunt for th......

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IVF patients and the Lockdown

        The lockdown has been an extremely difficult time for all of us - especially for infertile couples who were all set to start their IVF treatment cycle. Yes, IVF treatment is elective, but when you want to start, you want to do it immediately , because y......

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IVF patients, the Lockdown and patience

    The one thing IVF patients learn is patience ! No matter what you do, you seem to have to keep on waiting ! You have to wait for your cycle to start. You have to wait till you find the right doctor. You have to find a clinic which offer s a high success......

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How IVF doctors buy fame !

Patients are often not sure which IVF clinic to choose. This is an expensive decision, and they know a lot depends on it. Most of them naively assume that all IVF clinics are equally good. This is why they will select one using the following criteria: the near......

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How Work from home will help make IVF treatment easier for infertile women

One of the impacts of the Coronavirus epidemic has been the reality that most people don't need to go to work daily !Many executives can work effectively from home. This is great news for women who want to plan their families, and not sacrifice having a baby at th......

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