

Coping with anxiety in an IVF cycle

It's completely normal for all IVF patients to be anxious because you don't know how well the cycle is going to grow, whether you're going to grow eggs, how good your quality of embryos is going to be, or whether you're going to get pregnant or not. There's......

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What patients need to know about IVF Treatment Protocols

One of the common questions patients ask us is What treatment protocol are you going to use for our IVF cycle ? There are lots of super ovulation protocols available , and many clinics are very rigid and will use only one protocol for all their patients. Th......

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The harm done by treating IVF patients in batches

Lots of IVF clinics - especially the IVF chains - will batch patients together. Some do this because they don't have a full-time embryologist , or an expert -time IVF specialist , and they have to depend on someone to come from outside the city in order to d......

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IVF independent pregnancies

We all know what IVF pregnancies are these are the pregnancies which are a result of an IVF treatment cycle ! IVF independent pregnancies are common as well . These are the patients who are waiting to do IVF treatment , and who get pregnant even before t......

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Is IVF safe ?

A lot of people are very worried whether IVF is safe or not, and many infertile couples are not allowed to do IVF by their family members, because they are concerned about the side effects of IVF - both on the mother , and the baby. After all, they believe tha......

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What does IVF downregulation mean ?

I love answering patient's questions about IVF , because I think the more they understand about what we are doing, the better they'll be able to appreciate the difference between a good IVF clinic and a bad IVF clinic. Someone asked me what does down-regul......

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Making sense of your symptoms during an IVF cycle

Lot of patients get all kinds of symptoms during an IVF cycle. Often this is during the cycle itself for example, they may feel bloated; or have breast pain; or feel very irritable. And many of these symptoms become much worse during the 2 week wait, when......

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What makes Malpani Infertility Clinic so special !


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What are your options after a failed IVF cycle ?

When an IVF cycle fails, patients want an answer to the most important question which is What next? What are my options? Now just because an IVF cycle has failed doesn't mean that you're never going to be able to have a baby, so please dont start catastrop......

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Why frozen embryo transfers are better than fresh IVF cycles.

In the past, it was believed that the chances of getting pregnant were better when we transferred fresh embryos in an IVF cycle. After all, the word " fresh " itself suggests that these are vital , viable embryos, which are much more likely to implant, as......

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