

Follicles Are Not Eggs

                     I just finished a consultation with a young woman who had a very low AMH level. I explained to her that this meant she had poor ovarian reserve, and might need to consider using donor eggs. She was understandably very upset. " H......

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Low sperm count (Oligospermia)

                                         A low sperm count ( the scientific term for which is oligospermia) is the commonest cause of infertility in the man. Many infertile men are obsessed about their sperm count - and this seems to become the central concern in thei......

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Transporting frozen embryos

If you have stored your supernumerary embryos by freezing them, and want to do an embryo transfer in our clinic (because our success rates are so high and we charge much less than US clinics do ), then it's possible for you to do so ! Embryos are frozen in liquid nitro......

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Are IVF injections painful ?

One of the major reasons patients do not want to do IVF is their fear of injections. They know that during IVF they need to take injections for many days - and many patients are understandably reluctant to take these shots because they have been told that these inje......

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Tests prior to IVF

If you need IVF treatment in order to get pregnant, we will need to do certain tests to determine: If we can do IVF for you What kind of IVF treatment would be best for you ( IVF ? ICSI ? ZIFT ? donor eggs ?) What your chances of success will be Many clinics o......

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Is proxeed effective in infertile man ?

The man with a low sperm count presents a very frustrating problem for doctors. Not only is he frustrated that he is " shooting blanks " and cannot get his wife pregnant, but he also expects the doctor to provide a quick solution to his problem. Most men ( and their wi......

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Two week wait (2ww) in IVF - signs and symptoms | Success or failed IVF | Implantation bleeding

Will my symptoms during the 2ww tell me whether I am pregnant or not? During the 2ww (2 weeks wait, from embryo transfer to the pregnancy test) it is very natural to wonder about the fate of the embryos which are transferred to the uterus. Every woman who has had an......

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Retrograde ejaculation - Causes, diagnosis and treatment

                                                  Ejaculation is the ejection or discharge of semen ( which carries sperm) from the erect penis, and is usually accompanied by orgasm. During climax, the muscles at the end of the bladder neck tighten to prevent retrograd......

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Fresh versus frozen embryos - which are better ?

A few years ago, the answer to this question would have been simple. The traditional teaching has always been that fresh embryos are better than frozen embryos . They have a better chance of becoming a baby - in scientific jargon, they have a higher implantation rate......

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Supplemets for IVF success | Does it impact the IVF success rate ?

  Practically all women doing IVF are taking supplements of one sort or another! These are supposed to improve egg yield, egg quality, and embryo implantation, thus helping to improve IVF pregnancy rates. I have come across women who take over 10 different supplement......

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