A woman's age is always a sensitive topic - and this is true, no matter how old she is. If she's infertile, she is likely to become even touchier about this, because she's aware of the fact that she has a biological clock which she cannot rewind. As she ages, she no lon......
Repeated IVF failure is tough to tackle as it affects both the body and mind, but only you can decide whether to continue with the treatment or not. any infertile patients face the dilemma of stopping or continuing after mul......
A man was diagnosed with globozoospermia with normal sperm count and motility. We performed ICSI with assisted oocyte activation using a calcium ionophore. Saiprasad Gundeti, Senior Embryologist Here's a case study of a very challenging p......
Dr. Sai, Senior Embryologist of Malpani Infertility Clinic Pvt. Ltd explains how the magic of in-vitro maturation of oocytes works by giving some real-life experiences of patients. The Magic of In-Vitro Maturation of oocytes Dr. Sai, Senior Embryologist, Malpani Infer......
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is an extremely cost-effective treatment for most infertile couples, and allows us to do in the IVF lab what is not happening normally in the bedroom - no matter what the medical prob......
The embryos take time to implant and if they are going to implant, they will and there's precious little you can do to influence the inefficient biological process of embryo implantation either way. Most patients find that one of the most difficult things to manage d......
It takes courage for women to seek medical advice for Vaginismus. Most gynecologists don't take these patients seriously, but it is worthwhile to examine it as a cause for infertility. Vaginismus is a surprisingly common sexual disorder whic......
Therapeutic insemination by donor [TID] means using the sperm (Sperm Video ) from an anonymous donor to achieve a pregnancy, and is a treatment option if the man is infertile. What is donor insemination (TID) ? THERAPEUTIC INSEMINATION BY DONOR [TID] means using the......
Hysterosalpingogram (Uterotubogram) or HSG is a specialized X-ray of the uterus and tubes to find out if the uterine cavity is normal, and the fallopian tubes are open. It can be quite painful; and is conducted after the menstrual flow has just stopped. Hysterosalpingo......
A whole bunch of Free Infertility Tools and Resources you can use to make your Infertility Treatment process easier ! FREE Infertility Tools Here are some of the FREE Tools offered by Dr Malpani : MyFertilityDiary is a patient friendly tool to assist in your fertilit......