

Don't Be Fooled: The Genetic Testing Scam in IVF Clinics

Carrier testing for genetic disorders is being sold as part of the IVF package in many clinics. This preconception genetic screening refers to the process of testing couples doing IVF for genetic mutations or disorders that could be passed on to their children. Many I......

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Too tired to have sex to get pregnant! ?

One of the commonest problems that couples who live in large cities face is their inability to have sex frequently enough to make a baby. This means that the reason for the " infertility " for many of these couples is not a medical problem but social infertility. This......

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What does Pregnancy of Unknown Location mean ? A guide for IVF patients

Pregnancy of Unknown Location (PUL) or Pregnancy of Unspecified Location is the clumsy term we use for patients during the early days of their IVF pregnancy when the beta HCG blood test is positive, but its too early to do an ultrasound scan to find out whether the pr......

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How to be more optimistic and hopeful about your IVF treatment ?

It's completely normal for IVF patients to have multiple fears, worries, and anxieties both before and during their IVF treatment. This is partly because there is so much they don't understand about the medical minutiae; and partly because they are not sure what the out......

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Why asking your doctor questions is good for both you and your IVF doctor ?

When a patient goes to an IVF doctor for a consultation, the standard ritual is that the junior doctor or assistant will fire off a list of questions that the patient is expected to answer, so the senior doctor can review them, make a diagnosis, and then prescribe tre......

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The difference between the process and outcome of IVF treatment!

The only outcome IVF patients care about is whether they get a healthy baby as a result of their treatment. Yes, this is the only clinical outcome that actually matters, but we also need to remember that this final outcome is not something that is in the doctors contr......

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What IVF patients need to know about the HCG blood test ?

One of the most important results for an infertile patient is the blood test for beta HCG ( human chorionic gonadotropin), which tells her definitively whether she is pregnant or not.Its a simple test to interpret, which is why I get disheartened when I find that most......

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Everything you need to know about Laser Assisted Hatching

Saiprasad Gundeti, Chief Embryologist, Malpani Infertility Clinic Pvt. Ltd. An embryo must break out or 'hatch' from its outer layer, known as the 'zona pellucida,' in order to attach to the uterine lining and implant in the uterus. What exactly is Laser Assiste......

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Why you should not let your doctor do PGT/PGD/PGS when doing your IVF treatment ?

  Many patients know that the commonest cause of IVF failure is a failure of the embryo to implant. We also know that the commonest reason for implantation failure is a genetic defect in the embryo . This is why it seems very tempting to do pre-implant......

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Why PCOS patients are so poorly managed?

PCOS is an extremely common cause of infertility , but most of these patients are often the recipients of very poor quality treatment , as a result of which they end up without a baby , because they don't get the right medical care . The issue begins with misdiagnosis,......

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