

Making sense of early IVF pregnancy scans

IVF patients are very excited when their beta HCG is positive - they are finally pregnant, and can now start dreaming of holding their longed-for baby in their hands in a few months. However, the truth is that not every pregnancy results in a baby - and this is as......

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Malpani Baby Self Insemination Kits - Video to help infertile couples to treat themselves

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Making sense of early pregnancy scans during an IVF pregnancy

    IVF patients are very excited when their beta HCG is positive - they are finally pregnant, and can now start dreaming of holding their longed-for baby in their hands in a few months.   However, the truth is that not every pregnancy results in a baby - and this......

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Video on the Malpani Baby Kit

  Why the Malpani Baby Kit is so helpful for infertile couples trying to make a baby in their own bedroom

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Why it's easier to treat unexplained infertility rather than to diagnose it. Video on Unexplained Infertility by Dr Malpani

  Why we are better at treating unexplained infertility as compared to diagnosing it !

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The paradox of unexplained infertility - treatment is easier than diagnosis !

Whenever infertile couples go to the doctor, they expect him to make a diagnosis , so he can tell them what the reason for their infertility is. They know that once that's been established, the doctor can treat this and they can have a baby. The reality is that we c......

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Queries about using the Malpani Baby Kit for Self Insemination

Patients often have many questions about how to use the Malpani Baby Kit for Self Insemination. Here are the answers. " We are planning for baby due to painful sex. We are trying home insemination. Through Youtube , we tried with a syringe last time . What we observe......

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The endometrium and infertility - what every infertile couple needs to know about the uterine lining

  For an infertile couple, it can be quite scary to go to a doctor , because doctors use a lot of medical jargon . Many of these are difficult long words, which are hard to pronounce, and which they have never heard before. The problem is compounded by the fact t......

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Tubal (ectopic) pregnancy - so near and yet so far !

Being infertile is bad enough, but one of the biggest tragedies is when you get pregnant, but the pregnancy is not in the uterus , and is lodged in the fallopian tubes. This is called an ectopic or tubal pregnancy. Implantation just a few centimetresfrom the right p......

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Tubal (ectopic) pregnancy - so near and yet so far !

Being infertile is bad enough, but one of the biggest tragedies is when you get pregnant, but the pregnancy is not in the uterus , and is lodged in the fallopian tubes. This is called an ectopic or tubal pregnancy. Implantation just a few centimetresfrom the right p......

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