Watch more such videos and updates, do subscribe to our Youtube Channel Need help? We provide a second opinion on all infertility issues. Please send us your medical details by filling in the form at so that we can guide......
Watch more such videos and updates, do subscribe to our Youtube Channel Need help? We provide a second opinion on all infertility issues. Please send us your medical details by filling in the form at so that we can guide......
Watch more such videos and updates, do subscribe to our Youtube Channel Need help? We provide a second opinion on all infertility issues. Please send us your medical details by filling in the form at so that we can guide......
Watch more such videos and updates, do subscribe to our Youtube Channel Need help? We provide a second opinion on all infertility issues. Please send us your medical details by filling in the form at so that we can guide......
Watch more such videos and updates about IVF on our Youtube Channel Need help? We provide a second opinion on all infertility issues . Please send us your medical details by filling in the form at so that we can guide you......
Watch more such videos and updates about IVF on our Youtube Channel Need help? We provide a second opinion on all infertility issues. Please send us your medical details by filling in the form at so that we can guide you......
Watch more such videos and updates about IVF on our Youtube Channel Need help? We provide a second opinion on all infertility issues. Please send us your medical details by filling in the form at so that we can guide you......
We routinely use Vitrification Technique to rapidly freeze Blastocysts for all our Patients. When you come back for your Embryo Transfer , we thaw 1 blastocyst at a time, and then transfer this back to your uterus. Thawing and transferring just 1 blastocyst allows u......
IVF patients know that one of the most important decisions they need to make is how to find the right IVF Clinic . This is a simple 3-step process . Its tempting to take shortcuts and go to the nearest clinic, or the cheapest one, but this can be dangerous ! Fir......