
Fear of IVF


Many infertile couples are afraid of doing IVF. For some of them, the fear is so overwhelming, that they refuse to even consider this option, thus depriving themselves of their best chance of having a baby !

There are many reasons for this fear.

  • Many women are scared of the injections which they need to take daily for IVF treatment
  • Other women are scared that IVF is painful; and that the egg collection will cause them pain
  • Many are worried about the side effects of the hormonal shots which doctors pump them with in order to grow more eggs
  • Some are worried that they may end up having multiple pregnancies. They believe that all IVF babies are twins or triplets
  • Some are scared that when the doctor puts them under anesthesia , they may not wake up again
  • Many are petrified of failing the IVF cycle. If the IVF fails, then does this mean they will be doomed to remain childless all their life ?
  • For poor patients, the financial risk is a huge barrier. What will happen to them if the IVF cycle fails, and all the money they spend on the cycle gets wasted

Face Up to Your Fears

I think it's important for patients to face up to their fears - and the best way of doing this is to reframe your perspective ! Many of these fears are untrue and irrational.

Its true that IVF is expensive; and that the outcome is always uncertain; but the only risk is emotional and financial. There is no medical risk and no pain ; and it's important to explode these myths and misconceptions using information therapy , so you can make a well-informed decision.

I always tell patients - it's possible that the IVF cycle can fail - but in any case, doing IVF will not leave you any worse off than you are now ! And no matter what the outcome, doing IVF in good clinic will give you peace of mind you did your best !

Read more-Why Are So Many Women Scared Of IVF?


Many infertile couples are afraid of doing IVF. For some of them, the fear is so overwhelming, that they refuse to even consider this option, thus depriving themselves of their best chance of having a baby !

Authored by : Dr Aniruddha Malpani, MD and reviewed by Dr Anjali Malpani.