

The new and improved kinder IVF treatment plan

In the past , standard IVF protocols for superovulation would use down-regulation with GnRH agonists ( such as Lupron) , and these were known as either the short or the long protocols. Long protocols would start 7 days before the cycle......

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The Ovarian Rejuvenation Scam

Patients with ovarian failure can be very depressed and disheartened when they learn that they can't have a baby with their own eggs . Lots of them are not prepared to accept this harsh truth, and are not willing to use donor eggs , even though this has a ve......

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False despair can be as harmful as false hope for IVF patients

It can be difficult to treat infertile patients, especially when they have very unrealistic expectations of what medicine can do for them. This is because their feelings range wildly all the way from one end of the pendulum - false hope, to the other end - f......

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Why is this IVF patient so unhappy?

No, it's not because her pregnancy test has come back negative, because she is still in her 2ww, and hasn't got her result as yet . It's because she's been very disillusioned and disappointed by the quality of medical care which she has received during her IVF......

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What is the difference between these two IVF clinics?

These two IVF clinics look very similar. Their equipment seems to be the same, and their websites seem to have the same text ( since one of them has copied and pasted the content from the other!) So how are patients going to differentiate between the t......

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What makes IVF babies different?

A lot of couples are worried that IVF babies are weaker than other babies, or have a higher risk of having birth defects. Yes, it is true that IVF babies are different, and what makes them different is the fact that they're special, because their parents spe......

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Why is this IVF patient smiling?

No, it's not because her pregnancy test has come back as positive because she is still in her 2ww, and hasnt done it so far. Its only been one week since her embryo transfer, and while she is hopeful and optimistic, she's not sure whether the cycle is going to......

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Can you make out this is an IVF pregnancy?

And the answer is - you can't ! The whole point is that an IVF pregnancy is exactly like any other pregnancy ! Just because an embryo spends five days in the IVF laboratory , this doesn't make the pregnancy any different once it implants, it follows exact......

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Is coming to Mumbai safe for IVF patients ?

Lots of out-of-Mumbai patients are reluctant to travel to Mumbai to our clinic for their IVF treatment, even though they know our IVF pregnancy rates are the best in the country. This is because they've been told all kinds of horror stories about IVF treatme......

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How Advice From Experts Can Harm IVF Patients

A IVF patient was just telling me about how the expert advice which she gets has driven her crazy. Interestingly, this is not advice from doctors its advice from all the friends and relatives around her , who keep on telling her what she should be doing in or......

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