
Unveiling IVF Clinic Malpractices – when doctors blame patients for the IVF failure

Whenever patients sign up for IVF treatment, doctors are very charming and enthusiastic, because they are in “sell mode”. They brag about how high their success rate is; how good their technology is; how many patients they've treated; and use photos of celebrities as social proof. On the first visit, doctors go out of their way to ensure new patients are pampered and treated well, which means patients are very happy to sign up for IVF treatment because they love the doctor’s bedside manner and the clinic’s ambiance.

And doctors are very optimistic at the first consultation, and will often make tall claims and promises because they want the patient to come to them for treatment. They tom-tom their high success rates, their “state-of-the-art technology”, and why the chances of the patient getting pregnant at their clinic are excellent.

However, patients find to their dismay that when their cycle fails, they are treated as pariahs, and the very same doctors start singing a very different tune. For example, it becomes practically impossible to find a senior doctor to talk to because the brand-name doctor is no longer available to talk to them since they're now busy talking to new patients, who they need to enroll for new IVF cycles because they're a source of additional income. Patients feel abandoned and betrayed. Because no one likes talking to patients who have failed IVF cycles because they're often angry and unhappy and it's difficult to manage their emotions, the senior doctor will often evade this responsibility, and push these patients off to a junior inexperienced doctor or an assistant or even a nurse, who often has no idea at all what is happening.

And what's even worse is that when the cycle fails, a lot of these doctors will take advantage of a patient's ignorance and gullibility! They blame the failure on the patient, by claiming that the cycle failed because the eggs weren't good; or the sperm motility was poor, or they had high DNA fragmentation, or the embryo mito score was poor!

Patients wonder - why didn't you tell us all this before the embryo transfer? Why are you telling us all this after the cycle has failed? And then to add insult to injury, these doctors will insist that patients do even more tests ( such as the ERA test), which are extremely expensive, to find out what the “ cause “ for the failure was so that they can then improve their chances for the next cycle. Because these patients are trapped because they have paid for three cycles in advance, they really don't have a choice and are forced to keep spending additional money.

But the fact of the matter is that the outcome of the cycle doesn't change based on these expensive meaningless tests ( which only serve to generate a lot of profit for the doctor and help him to pretend to the patient that he is doing everything possible !). They keep on failing cycle after cycle because the reason for the failure is not that their eggs or sperms are bad, but it's because the clinic is bad. One way of determining this is that the clinic hides information from the patient by not providing them with any documentation, or photographs of their embryos, which means there is no tangible evidence about the quality of medical care delivered. The poor patient starts losing confidence in IVF doctors, and what's even worse is wastes all their money and their best chance of getting a baby, because instead of selecting a good IVF doctor, they ended up stuck in a bad IVF clinic.

Unfortunately, this damage becomes irreversible, and this is why it's so important that patients invest in Information Therapy and spend time and energy on selecting the right clinic before actually starting the treatment. The good news is that it's very easy to do this – all you need to do is download the IVF comic book free at, you will and you will know enough to be able to differentiate between a good doctor and a bad doctor! Please don't leave this up to chance – this is a very important decision, and you don’t want to regret making a bad choice later on!

Authored by : Dr Aniruddha Malpani, MD and reviewed by Dr Anjali Malpani.