
But you do not need IVF !

Many patients who come to us for a second opinion havebeen advised IVF by other IVF specialists , and they want to find out if we can do a better job.
When I review their records, I sometimes tell them - You don't need IVF at all !
They get perplexed , because mentally they were all prepared to start an IVF cycle. And after all, I am an IVF specialist, so shouldn't I be doing IVF for them.
The reason they came to me was just to decide if they wanted to do it in our clinic, or with their local IVF doctor.
Now, when I tell them that they don't need IVF at all, this comes as a bit of a surprise to them , and they're not mentally prepared to accept this good news.
The fact is that lots of patients who are advised to do IVF don't actually need IVF at all .
They often have simple problems, which could be resolved with simpler treatment options, such as IUI .
Also, many of them have been pushed into going in for IVF, because their doctor found an isolated abnormality ( such as a low AMH level or a thin uterine lining), and advised them that IVF would be their best option.
However, this is not the right advice for many women, and we try to explain this to them. While some are relieved that they don't need IVF, others aren't convinced, in which case we tell them to find another IVF clinic for their treatment, because we will not do IVF for patients who we think don't need this !
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Authored by : Dr Aniruddha Malpani, MD and reviewed by Dr Anjali Malpani.