Mind games during the 2ww
This is our first icsi cycle and am on 5th day of embryo transfer. Initially had cramps and it raised a bit more but since yesterday night I see no symptom and I am worried. Plus sometime bloating, my breasts has been so hard and am feeling I have been bit more aggressive than usual , am not on complete bed rest but tend to roam in home only . Medicines include progynova, ecoflora , folic acid and vitamin tablets , progesterone injection- aquagest alternative days and some progesterone vaginally daily two times. My skin is so so dry . I heard people saying tat u should get lower back pain or leg cramps but have cramps only on left side since the time of transfer plus yesterday I had bit abdomen pain also I sleep only three to 4 hours at night later I'll be half awake with the rush of thoughts being positive or negative. Am such a strong girl but now this is making me crazy. How to manage this. Sometimes I have extremely cold feet and since the day of transfer I have mild cough though am following the exact doctors advice.is it ok to experience all this. What is this symptoms leads to ? Should I be hopeful ?