Why your Embryos are Snug and Secure in Your Uterus
Once the embryos have been implanted, patients get paranoid about what is happening to their embryos inside their uterus. The dreaded 2WW becomes excruciatingly lengthy and they are constantly worried that even if they sneeze or cough, their embryos with fall out of their uterus. They are wary of commuting or lifting weights and concerned that stress will have a negative impact too.
They just begin treating themselves like dolls made of china and are reluctant to even move, worried that their embryo will get dislodged. In short, they are scared to do just about anything that may have a negative impact on their embryos implanting successfully.
Since we don’t really have a very clear picture about the things that affect embryo implantation, its logical for people to conclude that if something has been put into the uterus, there are chances that it will fall out too, especially since the embryo is being artificially implanted. It makes perfect sense to believe that if you strain or do anything that will increase the intra-abdominal pressure, it can cause the intrauterine pressure to increase and this can dislodge the embryos.
This is also why many mothers-in-law insist that their daughters-in-law should only lie down flat on their bed for 14 days post the transfer. It’s not just patients and their relatives that believe complete rest is necessary; many doctors also advise their patients to take complete bed rest- and it’s always for the most irrational reasons. They feel they are just giving their patients good advice and by getting complete rest, it will help reduce their patient’s stress levels and improve their chances of success.
The wrong advice
The truth is that when this kind of advice comes from their doctor, patients are scared to do anything that goes against it and those 15 days become a torture for them. Since they are doing nothing but lying in bed, they just keep mulling over what will happen and what may not.
Whets probably worse is that, in case a cycle fails, many doctors are quick to blame the patients and say that they must have done something wrong which has caused the embryos to get expelled, despite the doctor transferring them carefully. This damages the patient’s self-esteem and she starts looking upon herself as a failure that’s not going to be able to bear a child for the rest of her life.
Things patients worry about
Women who have failed an IVF cycle tend to become emotional and their mind just keeps replaying the events of those 2 weeks; that bus ride they took or that bucket they lifted become the points they start pondering on and admonishing themselves for. The guilt only aggravates their anguish at this point of time.
It’s important for patients to understand that bed rest does not improve IVF success rates- numerous research studies have shown this. As a matter of fact, it can be harmful- it causes backache and sore muscles, reduces bone mass and increases stress levels.
Uterus- the perfect incubator for your embryo
I tell all my patients that nature has designed the human body very cleverly; once the embryo reaches the uterus, how it got there doesn’t really matter. Once the embryo is inside the uterus, it is safe and secure and your uterus is protecting it like pearl is protected in an oyster shell. Regardless of what you do, your precious embryo isn’t just going to get dislodged and fall out.
Not happy with the attention you are getting from your IVF clinic? Need more information? Please send me your medical details by filling in the form atwww.drmalpani.com/free-second-opinionso that I can guide you!