

Egg retrieval during the IVF cycle – the climax of the superovulation process

The finale of the clinical superovulation part of the IVF cycle is egg retrieval( egg collection), where the doctor collects eggs from the mature follicles in the ovaries. It’s important that patients understand the importance of the egg retrieval process because the......

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Protecting Patients: Unveiling the Reality of Profit-Driven Fertility Clinics

Part of the problem is that it’s very easy to take advantage of infertile couples. They are desperate to have a baby, and this makes them extremely gullible - and this is especially true when they are not very well educated. Many doctors take undue advantage of their......

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No More Needles & Tears: The Truth About Pain in IVF Treatment

One of the major reasons patients are very reluctant to do an IVF cycle is because of the fear of pain. They've heard a lot of horror stories from their friends about how many injections they have to take and most of us are needle phobic! Others have heard horror stor......

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Decoding the Confusion: How to Make Informed Decisions in Your IVF Journey

One of the problems that plague IVF patients is the fact that the outcome of every IVF cycle is so uncertain. They never know whether the cycle is ever going to work – irrespective of whether it's their first second cycle or their fifth. And this uncertainty can take......

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A Journey of Truth, Compassion, and Different Smiles: The Story of India's First Sperm Bank - an excerpt by Dr. Anjali Malpani.

In 1990, Dr. Aniruddha and his wife embarked on a groundbreaking journey by establishing India's first sperm bank. Amidst societal taboos and misconceptions surrounding infertility and reproductive health, their goal was to create awareness about the importance of fro......

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From Conception to Reality: India's ZIFT Breakthrough in Assisted Reproduction an excerpt by Dr. Anjali.

IVF cycles can be a roller coaster of high hopes and despair, with many cycles leading to emotional turmoil. Dr. Anjali, an infertility specialist, experienced a patient named Nicole Williams who had undergone six cycles of IVF in Sydney. Despite her husband's low spe......

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IVF Patients' Frustration: The Truth Behind Misleading Success Rates

IVF patients are getting increasingly sophisticated today, and because they understand that IVF doesn't have a 100% success rate, and are perfectly okay with accepting IVF failure. They know that it may take three or four IVF cycles before they get pregnant, but......

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Patient Beware: Multiple-Cycle IVF Packages and Their Hidden Agendas

Most commercial IVF clinics are designed in order to maximize their revenue and not to optimize patient care. When they sign up for a new patient, they usually convince them to sign up for a three-cycle package. And it's quite easy for them to do this, because they're......

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Your Fertility, Your Choice: Exploring the Pros and Cons of Egg Freezing

Most young women today are aware of the fact that they can freeze their eggs if they want to postpone childbearing. Frozen eggs don’t have a shelf-life, because all metabolic activity is suspended when they are frozen at -196 C in liquid nitrogen. They can use these f......

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How do IVF Clinics convert fertile men into IVF patients by fudging the semen analysis Report?

It is a common assumption that IVF clinics provide reliable semen analysis reports, but the reality is quite different. Many clinics deliberately misreport these analyses to increase their workload and revenue. This dishonest practice is particularly prevalent in sper......

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