

What makes you think you are a better IVF doctor than other IVF doctors ?

Most patients are too polite to ask me this question to my face, but this is the elephant in the room - Why should they choose Malpani IVF Clinic when they have so many other options ? This is a valid question because every IVF clinic claims it is the best - and the......

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Why you should change your IVF doctor after a failed IVF cycle

Many patients write to me asking for a free second opinion after they have failed an IVF cycle.It's very clear the quality of medical care they have received has been extremely poor - but sadly, they are blissfully unaware of this bitter truth. The documentation is pat......

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Why doesn't every embryo become a baby in every IVF cycle !

IVF patients have many unrealistic expectations. In their hunger for a baby, they often become desperate and start assuming that IVF is a panacea for infertility.They naively assume that if the IVF clinics has made top quality generating embryos in the lab then this em......

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Why do doctors transfer dead embryos in an IVF cycle ?

When I see some of the scams that IVF clinics use to extract money from patients by preying on their ignorance and vulnerability, it breaks my heart.Some doctors will transfer dead embryos into the uterus, and when the cycle fails ( as it's bound to because dead embryo......

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Are you killing your own sperm ?

Infertile couples are frequently under-informed on basic biological realities, as a result of which they inadvertently reduce their own fertility, and therefore become infertile! The usage of K-Y jelly during sexual intercourse is a common example of this. Infertile......

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Why doesn't IVF have a 100% success rate ?

What can we do to make sure our IVF cycle will succeed ?This is a question many IVF patients ask. After all, if we are making embryos in the IVF lab, then shouldn't the embryo always become a baby when we put it back into the uterus? I wish this were true - it would......

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The biggest risk IVF patients face today - and how you can protect yourself !

The biggest risk IVF patients face today is that they may get trapped into taking treatment in a bad IVF clinic. These clinics will not only cheat you by providing poor quality treatment, thus failing to give you a baby , they will also empty your bank account ! And t......

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How the IVF Law can put IVF patients first !

I am relieved that the Indian government has finally realised the importance of regulating IVF clinics by passing the ART Bill. While some IVF facilities are outstanding, a number of poor IVF clinics have popped up in recent years, and an IVF specialist seems to be on......

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The semen analysis scam - why sperm test reports are unreliable

Despite the fact that a semen analysis is a simple , routine and affordable test, it is frequently performed incorrectly.This is especially true when the test is performed in a local lab by an untrained technician who does not know how to correctly perform the sperm te......

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How to find out why your IVF cycle failed - a guide for intelligent IVF patients

One major problem with IVF today is the fact that the chances of an individual IVF cycle failing are always higher than that of its succeeding. What makes this so complex is that there are multiple reasons for IVF failure , and it's not easy to sort out what the reaso......

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