Most IVF clinics prefer to treat patients who are starting their first IVF cycle because they are the people with the best chances of becoming pregnant. Most clinics avoid treating patients who have previously failed an IVF cycle because the fact that they f......
One major problem with IVF today is the fact that the chances of an individual IVF cycle failing are always higher than that of its succeeding. What makes this so complex is that there are multiple reasons for IVF failure , and it's not easy to sort out what the reaso......
As an IVF specialist, I review the medical records of many patients who have failed IVF cycles in other clinics.The tragedy of Indian IVF is that the quality of care that most IVF clinics provide isn't good.This is because gynaecologists get zero exposure to the practi......
We all know that IVF doesn't have a 100% success rate.Because it's a biological system, there are many variables that will influence your chances of getting pregnant.There are some which you can't do much about . For example, if you are older and have poor ovarian rese......
Whenever IVF patients start bleeding , they start panicking , because they believe this sign means that their cycle has failed . The problem is that since there really is no reliable way finding out what is happening to the embryo after it has been transferred inside t......
Transferring one embryo at a time actually increases pregnancy ratesThis is a great example of how IVF patients can have their cake and eat it too , because transferring only one embryo at a time ( also known as SET or single embryo transfer) minimizes the risk of a mu......
Why do IVF clinics continue doing Day 3 embryo transfers when they know the pregnancy rate is much better with transferring blastocysts ?The commonest excuse IVF clinics trot out for doing Day 3 transfers for patients who have only a few eggs is that a bird in the hand......
Infertile couples think of infertility as possibly being the worst experience they have ever been through. Most still think of infertility as being a curse , and it's true that being infertile can be extremely stressful.However, there are advantages to being infertile......
For more such videos and updates, do subscribe to our Youtube ChannelNeed help? We provide a second opinion on all infertility issues. Please send us your medical details by filling in the form at so that we can guide you b......
For more such videos and updates, do subscribe to our Youtube Channel Need help? We provide a second opinion on all infertility issues. Please send us your medical details by filling in the form at so that we can gui......