
An IVF success story from one of our IVF patient in India

Off late, Deepti from India is just having a lot of guests over to celebrate the start of her 7th month of pregnancy. Deepti conceived with the help of IVF and here is what her experience was like with Malpani Clinic.

Deepti from India writes...

I have just had a lot of guests over to celebrate the start of my 7th month of pregnancy . As I am the first one to get pregnant in my generation all my folks wanted to see me all round and fat. For once i liked it immensely when they all said.....deepti tu kiti jadi zhali ahes !!!!( Dipti, how fat you've become!)

Today I would like all of you to know how fortunate I am to have come across Dr. Malpani . Just last week my folks happened to celebrate the event one does when one enters the 7th month of pregnancy. I only could have 'dreamt' of having such a ceremony for myself if I hadn't met Dr. Malpani.

We were like just another couple who couldn't first adjust to the fact that we might be infertile. The first few years of our marriage were just about trying to have a baby till finally it dawned on us that yes, something was genuinely wrong with us and here started the never ending search for the right Doctor to treat us.

A whole lot of local Doctors, then references of relatives , then the endless number of tests for both of us. We couldn't believe ourselves when we even started visiting all sorts of astrologers and started wearing all sorts of pendants and strings. We even got into eating all sorts of powders and decoctions of strange stuff. All this only proved how desperate we were to have our baby. Life between us started to take a strange turn. Both of us spent time together only to have a baby , and not otherwise. our whole life , our outings , our holidays all depended on my sonography scan schedule and my peak time . And to make things worse all this used to end when I used to get my period at the end of the month. And again used to start yet another month of desperate efforts at a different Doctor.

That was it and we finally decided to stop trying and accept the fact that we needed help to have a baby. Fortunately we were introduced to Dr. Malpani through a relative of ours in Bombay. I contacted Dr.Malpani on his email address and told him that we had finally decided to go in for a IVF. Dr.Malpani provided me with complete details as to which injections I should start taking before getting to Bombay (We stay in Gujarat) The email was so precise and accurate right from the medicine name , make , dosage and even administration, I faced no problems at all. I reached Bombay a little earlier according to the Doctors advice and my Husband followed me later due to his work constraints. I never ever felt lost or neglected whenever I visited the clinic. Not only the Doctor but all the nurses and the assistants were thorough with my case. They all knew me by my name and they had my schedule on the tip of their tongues. I was surprise to notice that even the receptionist knew me whenever I called to ask them some of my stupid questions. Dr.Malpani was always there to answer my smallest query .

My Sonography scans started and that's when i met Dr. Anjali . I must say She is The only gentle female Doctor I have come across throughout my treatment . As far as my experience goes, female doctors are very harsh and rough with their female patients , unlike male doctors , don't know why ? But Dr.Anjali is an exception and was so gentle with me and so nice to me and she kept telling me that my eggs were doing just fine and that I should talk to them everyday. It was so funny but so assuring, I just knew that it was going to work for me this time. The confidence she passed on to me must have helped in focusing all my positive energies. Finally the day dawned when the ICSI took place and again she told me that there wasn't a single reason why it shouldn't work, it would surely work for us.

Her last words were like a thin thread of hope for me till the day of my beta-hcg. When i called up Dr.Malpani I had the report in my hand and I knew that the test was positive, but i was scared to be happy for myself. I read out the results of the report on the phone and Dr.Malpani congratulated me. I couldn't believe it. I knew at that moment I owed it all to the Malpani's. Had I not gone to Bombay and got myself treated at their clinic it would have been a different story.

Apart from the treatment, what couples like us need is the faith that a doctor can pass on to us. The confidence you will certainly gain on the very first meeting with him. The personal touch the staff imparts with a willing smile. Clarity of each aspect , care and personal treatment everything is so important. You wont be passed on from counter to counter like some dead parcel for payments of money and medicines or even advise.

Everything is centralised and only the doctors themselves take care of each step of treatment from the beginning to the end . That's what is more important, and I am sure all this helped my eggs grow better and finally my pregnancy to go through.

Today I would like to tell all those couples like us, that it's ok if we are one of those special lot of people for whom things don't come easily, but don't we all agree , aren't we glad that even its late we still have the resources to try for it. So have faith and without wasting those precious months you all must go to this nice Doctor who will make it possible for you. Today, each time my baby kicks inside me, I don't regret anything in life , but for one thing, why did we take so long to go to the Malpani's? If only I had been to them earlier this miracle inside me would have been a part of our lives by now.

Deepti from India

Authored by : Dr Aniruddha Malpani, MD and reviewed by Dr Anjali Malpani.