

Review of our first IVF cycle at Malpani Infertility Clinic

My husband and I went to a renowned mother-child hospital in the suburbs of Mumbai to seek fertility treatment since we had an issue of male factor infertility (low sperm count and morphology). As per the doctor's advice (which matched what we had read ourselves), w......

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The IVF journey - a guide for patients !

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Helping you to build your family through IVF !

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Stress , sex and infertility

Stress does not cause infertility - it's the infertility which causes the stress. However, blaming patients by telling them that their infertility is because they are so stressed out is a great way of shifting the blame onto them , and this just makes a bad pr......

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Why do IVF doctors continue prescribing treatments which are ineffective?

This is something we see all the time, and often this is labeled as “ empirical therapy “ , and is justified based on the fact that "I've tried it with my patients and it's worked." There are two reasons why doctors get fooled. The first is the placeb......

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Social infertility

This is not a diagnosis which is found in medical textbooks, but the reality is that in today's day and age, where men and women live in metropolises and pursue high flying careers, they are not able to spend enough time together – and not having enough sex......

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Endometriosis , infertility, laparoscopic surgery and IVF.

Endometriosis is a very common finding in infertile women and is one of the most controversial topics. This is true for multiple reasons. For example, lots of patients with endometriosis have no symptoms at all, and this is an incidental finding either on a......

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Patient preferences in IVF treatment

  Infertility treatment is always elective, which is why  I try to offer as many treatment options as possible to patients, so they can pick and choose which the right one is for themselves .   For example, patients with unexplained infertility can choose to......

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Calculating cumulative IVF pregnancy rates

  Patients find it hard to make sense of success rates after IVF treatment, and while it would be great for everyone if the pregnancy rate was 100%, the sad truth is that it’s not !   This is why patients need to think of IVF success in terms of a cumulativ......

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The placebo effect in IVF

  The placebo can be extremely powerful in medicine.   Unfortunately, this is a therapeutic tool which many doctors look down upon , because they're only interested in prescribing biologically active medicines which have been proven to be therapeutically effe......

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