A patient sent me this email Dear Doctor, As you know, my first cycle failed, even though everything was perfect, and I am heartbroken ! You have suggested that we stick to the same medical protocol , but I have a bunch of questions which I would like......
Once upon a time, career women who were ambitious had to make a hard choice when they were 30 . They knew that their fertility was maximal when they were young, and that the best time to have a baby was when they were about 25. On the other hand, this was the......
Everyone knows that egg quality declines as women get older, and their chances of getting pregnant drop. This is why women who want to pursue a career are in a quandary. Should they defer child bearing, because they want to become the CEO? Or should they get p......
If the embryologist doesn't even bother to spell "single" correctly, you should worry a lot about his competence and ability !
As an IVF doctor, I'm very respectful of patients' preferences. After all, infertility is not a medical problem, it's a social construct. Lots of people are quite happy not having a baby, so if they choose not to have one, that's their choice too ! We treat the......
One of the problems of being infertile is that patients start thinking of themselves as failures, since they can't even do such a simple thing like making a baby in their bedroom - something which millions of women do routinely all the time. This can be......
IVF can be an expensive treatment, and cost is a major constraint for lots of patients, who need to be careful about how they spend their money. The problem is that lots of IVF clinics provide very misleading information about how much they charge for an......
Patients are often confused as to how many embryos to transfer, especially when they have three or four top quality blastocysts. Many of them want the doctor to put back more embryos, in order to maximize their chance of getting pregnant in the first cycle its......