

Misusing PRP ( Platelet Rich Plasma) and stem cell treatment for "treating" infertility

Infertile couples are desperate, and many IVF doctors are happy to take undue advantage of this, in order to maximise their income. The latest racket is the use of PRP, or platelet rich plasma. This is supposed to contain stem cells, which have " miraculous " propertie......

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How to waste money on your IVF treatment

Infertile patients can be quite desperate, and sadly many IVF doctors exploit their ignorance. They make them do lots of useless tests - and subject them to unproven and expensive treatments, which are of no clinical value ! The only way patients can protect themselve......

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Why do patients allow IVF clinics to get away poor medical care ?

IVF treatment is expensive, and since it is a planned treatment, patients have the luxury of being able to choose the best clinic, to maximise their chances of getting pregnant. A patient sent me an email after she had failed 2 IVF cycles at the "best IVF clinic" in......

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How not to get ripped off by IVF doctors

This is a great article, at Please do read it  - a lot of these malpractices are rampant in Indian IVF clinics as well. I especially love the following paragraph ! Blinded by Pseudo Scien......

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I am glad patients are learning to say No !

A patient send me this email Sir, I m having a chocolate cyst in my left ovary of 3.6*2.8 CM and a normal right ovary . My first doctor advice me for immediate laparoscopy. I am trying for around 10 months. I changed my doc as I was scared of surgery. Can you help ?......

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Mind games during the 2ww

A patient sent me this query This is our first icsi cycle and am on 5th day of embryo transfer. Initially had cramps and it raised a bit more but since yesterday night I see no symptom and I am worried. Plus sometime bloating, my breasts has been so hard and am feeling......

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The caring doctor

Patients often criticize doctors for being unemotional and distant . Because we are taught to maintain a professional barrier , we may seem to be cold and uncaring, but the reality is that doctors have a heart too - we're human after all ! Ironically, sometimes it's th......

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Taking the infertile man ( and his IVF doctor) for a ride !

All doctors know that a semen analysis has a number of limitations. While it can tell us how many sperm a man has, and how well they are swimming, they cannot answer they key question the infertile man is asking - Can I get my wife pregnant with my sperm or not ? Now t......

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No wonder US healthcare costs are going through the roof !

The one things Americans are great at is marketing - and one of the reasons their healthcare costs are out of control is because they sell too many unnecessary medical tests and treatments ! A great example of this is the Foresight Carrier Screen marketed by Counsyl. U......

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Why do patients find it so hard to repeat an IVF cycle ?

Patients know that the success rate in a single IVF cycle is not 100% and they may require 3 - 4 cycles to get pregnant. However, lots of them drop out after one cycle , and are very reluctant to do a second . I sometimes wonder why this happens ! After all, an IVF cyc......

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