

What was the reason for the failed implantation ?

One of our patients sent me this email. Doctor,We were hoping for some detailed response from you which would have given us some comfort as this time we are very very shocked. We believed that the use of donor egg would resolve my egg quality issue but things doesn......

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Why are my babiess dying at 8 weeks of pregnancy ?

A patient sent me this email Doctor, I have had many miscarriages at 8 weeks of pregnancy. I have no problem getting pregnant, but the last 5 pregnancies have ended in a missed abortion. I am at my wit's end - what should I do ? Recurrent miscarriages are a very frus......

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Selecting a good IVF clinic

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Making sense of your IVF blood results

A patient sent me this email I am doing an IVF cycle, and my Day 6 results are as follows: E2- 1776 (great result) PO- 0.6 nmol/l LH 1.6 mIU/mL I am wondering if LH or Progesterone can be too low and should the cycle be cancelled. I am on Puregon- 300iu Menopur- 1 vi......

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Why Hospitals need to prescribe Information Therapy to their patients?

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What entrepreneurs need to know about raising funds from angel investors

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Genetic testing and the confused IVF specialist

Genetics plays an important part in reproductive medicine , and it's well known that the commonest reason for failed implantation is a genetic defect in the embryo . This is why it's very tempting to tell patients who have failed an IVF cycle to undergo genetic test......

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Is your IVF doctor ordering too many tests ?

Most patients are understandably wary about signing up for any surgical treatment options which a doctor offers, because they understand that these treatments can be expensive and can have side effects. This is why they take a long time before providing consent for an......

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Unnecessary D&C after a miscarriage can reduce your fertility

It's not uncommon for women who get pregnant after IVF to have a miscarriage. After all, the miscarriage rate is about 15% in all pregnancies, and IVF does not protect against a miscarriage. While this can cause a lot of heartache, doctors often add insult to injury by......

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Why infertile couples need to make some tricky decisions for themselves !

I received this email from a patient  My husband and I have been trying to conceive for more than a year. I have low AMH which is 0.2 ng/ml and my FSH fluctuates from a value of 7 to 18 IU. I have been through one hysteroscopy for polyp removal. We did one IUI and now......

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