

The 7 steps of IVF

IVF seems to be an extremely complicated procedure, and sometimes IVF doctors take perverse pleasure in mystifying it, because they like showing off their expertise. This is why IVF  patients are often completely confused about what to expect. Actually , it's very st......

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Why measuring uterine blood flow is pointless in an IVF cycle

Lots of IVF specialists monitor uterine blood flow during an IVF cycle. They believe that this helps them to track uterine receptivity, and good flow correlates with implantation rates. This makes logical sense, which is why so many sonographers study uterine blood flo......

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Using the embryoscope to take IVF patients for a ride

Many IVF clinics claim to use an embryoscope to culture embryos in vitro. While this provides great video images of the developing embryos, it has not been proven to improve IVF pregnancy rates. However, patients are quite happy to pay extra for this, because the docto......

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Mindless IVF overtesting

When an IVF cycle fails because of poor quality embryos, rather than acknowledge the fact that often the result for the poor quality embryos is a poor quality IVF lab, IVF doctors are happy to blame "abnormal genetics" as the cause for the embryo fragmentation. They t......

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What can we do differently in the next IVF cycle ?

When an IVF cycle fails, this is the commonest question which patients ask - What can we do differently next  time ? They naively believe that the fact that the cycle failed means something went "wrong", and if we identify and  " correct" this, the next cycle will succe......

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Is my IVF doctor taking me for a ride ?

A patient sent me this email. I am going through an IVF cycle . Egg retrieval has already been done and as per the doctor's report , 10 embryos were formed.. Then we were told that instead of fresh ET , he will.go for frozen cycle , so that ovary comes to to.normalcy......

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If you want to find a good IVF doctor, you need to be a good patient !

Many patients naively assume that all IVF doctors are equally good, while the reality is very different. However, if's hard for a poorly informed patient to differentiate between a good doctor and a bad doctor - and bad doctors take advantage of a patient's ignorance !......

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Aggressive and trigger happy IVF doctors !

It amazes me how aggressive IVF doctors have become. I saw a patient today, who had bacteria in his semen culture( a completely pointless and useless test, which should not have been done in the first place.) Because this did not clear up with antibiotics, the doctor......

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Can you suggest medications to enhance chances of conceiving ?

A patient sent me this email Can you please check my semen analysis report  and confirm that this is normal I checked it,and since it was normal, I replied, Good, this is a normal report ! Read more at

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How do I calculate the age of my IVF pregnancy ?

A patient sent me this email I had a query. I have conceived through IVF and ET was on Jan 6 th and my LMP was on Dec 20th.I got my ultrasound done on 16th Feb and in scan it showed the pregnancy is 5 weeks 6 days.If I calculate the growth of the baby from the date......

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