

The many hats I wear

For most of my patients, I am just their IVF specialist. However, I do wear lots of other hats as well - and if you are interested in what I do, you can follow my LinkedIn posts at, where I try to sha......

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Reducing IVF anxiety

Lots of patients are very scared of doing IVF. This is partly because they've heard lots of horror stories about how IVF babies are abnormal, or that the hormones will make them fat, or that if they grow too many eggs, they will either get menopausal sooner, or start......

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Why is overtreatment of infertility so rampant?

Lots of Indian IVF doctors put their patients on anti-TB medicines . While some of them will do tests to decide which patients to treat with these toxic medicines, others routinely put all their patients on the drugs, irrespective of whether they actually have TB or no......

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The law against giving cuts in the healthcare system

I'm very pleased that the Maharashtra government is passing a law which makes the payment of cuts, kickbacks, and commissions to doctors an offense for which they can be punished. I've always been vocal about the fact that kickbacks have corrupted the medical professio......

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Does it make sense to do a blastocyst transfer when you have only one embryo ?

We keep our fingers crossed for the 14 days post the day 3 transfer. If the beta HCG is positive and the patient conceives, we feel we hit the jackpot because we managed to select the right embryos, as they implanted.  But if it fails, we curse ourselves for not waitin......

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The latest scam in IVF

It breaks my heart when I see all the scams IVF clinics use to cheat their patients. They disguise these in fancy scientific terms, and take their patients for a ride, by subjecting them to expensive, unproven treatments. They use their patients as guinea pigs - and  t......

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How patients get taken for a ride !

I've noticed a disturbing trend these days. For-profit healthcare companies, clinics and hospitals are advertising direct to the public - either on hoardings, or by taking out full page ads in newspapers. They promise the equivalent of a miracle cure - and one of the mo......

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Fertile Conversations ! A Times of India Fertility Awareness Campaign

I am very glad to see that the Times of India has taken the initiative to create more awareness about infertility by launching a campaign called Fertile Conversations This is a combined, print, online and real world campaign. It has been sponsored by Nova IVI, a chai......

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Times of India article on infertility

Dr Malpani, however, offers a different view. "Victim blaming is a big issue across India. People tell women that they are unable to conceive because they don't eat healthy or work too much. It is unfortunate that women feel stressed and inadequate due to the inabilit......

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Times of India public awareness campaign to remove social stigma around IVF

This is part of their Fertile Conversations campaign to demystify IVF, and is being sponsored by Nova IVF Need help in getting pregnant ? Please send me your medical details by filling in the form at so that I can guide you !

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