

Repeated IVF Failure – Is it Best to Stop or continue with the Treatment?

It can be very difficult to handle IVF failure as it affects not just the mind but the body as well. Whether you should stop or continue with the treatment is more of a personal decision, rather than one that your doctor or anyone else can help you with. It’s not unco......

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How Infertility Can Sometimes Drive You to the Point of Frustration

Not only does infertility cause a lot of stress to the woman (because she has to undergo so many tests and treatments), but it also causes a great deal of stress between husband and wife. This can lead them to a point where they feel they are going insane, if it isn’t......

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Different Options that Infertile Couples Have Before Them

I always tell my patients that if they have opted to do IVF, its only one of the many options available to them.  Though I am an IVF specialist and am aware that most of the patients that come to me do so because they want to do IVF, one of the first things I tell the......

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Is There a Minimum Number of Follicles I Need to Proceed with an IVF Cycle?

We deal with numerous infertile couples that have failed IVF cycles at other clinics. Most of these are poor ovarian responders and one of the most common questions they have is what the minimum of follicles required is, to move forth with an IVF cycle. They want to k......

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Maintaining Your Sanity Right Through Your IVF Treatment

Dr Margarete Sandelowski, Professor at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has done some very exciting work in exploring how couples cope with their infertility. There are six patterns that she makes mention of. Six Patterns She observed that infertile coup......

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About Genes, Pregnancy & Parenting

Fertile couples don’t find it a challenge to make a baby in their bedrooms and most people just tend to take their reproductive ability for granted. They just presume that when they are ready to have a baby, they will have one. So, why exactly do people feel they want......

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Medical Errors: How does a Doctor deal with a Medical Error?

How does a Doctor deal with a Medical Error?

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Dr.Sunil Pandya: Medical Errors -How do you Gain a Patient's Confidence

When the patient's course takes a downhill turn, family members will often suspect that the doctor made an error. This causes doctors to become defensive, and this widens the rift between the doctor and patient even more. Dr Pandya describes what doctors need to to do......

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Dr.Farokh Udwadia: Medical Errors: Improving Doctor Patient Trust

Improving Doctor Patient Trust

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When Infertility is Accompanied by Pelvic Pain

It’s common for infertile women to have pelvic pain. Many women in the reproductive age group complain of pain in the pelvis area. In some cases, this pain is just very generic and is called dysmenorrheal. However, in some cases, this pain is caused by endometriosis.......

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