

A simple process patients can use to find the right doctor

(Friday, May 23, 2014) Our clinic is only in Mumbai, and our website attracts couples from all over the world. Since many of them cannot afford to travel to India , they often request me to refer them to a reputed and reliable local IVF clinic for their......

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How can we make sure doctors see their patients on time ?

(Saturday, May 24, 2014) One of the commonest complaints patients has about doctors today is that they make them wait for hours on end , without any good reason . Most doctors seem to be quite disrespectful about the patient's time and are quite casual a......

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Transferring too many embryos

(Sunday, May 25, 2014) Many IVF clinics in India continue to routinely transfer four or five embryos during the IVF treatment, even in young patients who are doing their first IVF cycle. This is worrisome, because the risk of these patients having a multiple pr......

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The top mistakes patients make when selecting an IVF clinic

(Monday, May 26, 2014) Infertile patients know that IVF is a complex and expensive treatment. It requires a lot of experience and expertise in order to maximize the success rates. They also know that different IVF clinics have different success rates, an......

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Aligning the interests of the patient and the IVF clinic

(Tuesday, May 27, 2014) One of the concerns IVF patients have is that they feel that IVF doctors may cause their IVF cycles to fail, in order to extract more money from them. They feel that their interests and those of the IVF doctor are not aligne......

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Why are infertile women willing to acts as guinea pigs ?

(TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014) I see lots of patients who have had numerous unproven experimental treatments, such as IV immunoglobulins, hysteroscopic metroplasty and immune therapy with paternal lymphocyte immunization. I sometimes wonder why patients......

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Ignorance is more dangerous than "half-knowledge" for infertile couples

(MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014) Many infertile women spend a lot of time on the net , doing research in order to find out more about IVF. They are willing to invest their energy in learning more about IVF, because they want to maximize their chances of having a......

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Why I encourage my patients to interpret their own medical reports !

(Wednesday, April 30, 2014) At Malpani Infertility Clinic we ensure that our patients are actively involved in every aspect of their treatment. In the course of formulating a treatment plan, we need to order medical tests ,so we can judge the quality of......

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Guest Lecture on Active management of Infertility in Aurangabad

(Thursday, May 01, 2014) There are now over 1000 IVF clinic in India; and it's important to create awareness about what IVF treatment can offer, so that doctors and their patients have realistic expectations for this technology. I will be uploading......

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Active management of infertility - a guide for gynecologists

(Friday, May 02, 2014) Active management of infertility - a guide for gynecologists from Aniruddha Malpani    

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