

Best IVF Specialist in India

                                                When it comes to IVF treatment, finding the right doctor can be the difference between being successful in getting pregnant or not. IVF is a time-consuming treatment that is emotionally and financially heavy too. This mak......

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Why do you think you’re not getting pregnant?

Infertile couples who come to me for a consultation often bring fat files overflowing with their medical records. These contain copies of their earlier test results, as well as summaries of the treatment cycles they have already been through. They pull these out, and......

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Excessive Exercise can Exorcise Fertility

  As an IVF specialist, I get to treat patients with different forms of infertility and from different age groups. While some have walked through the doors of an IVF clinic for the first time, others come in for a second or third opinion. Some patients have no clue wha......

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IVF patients- Gear up, Grill your IVF Doctors

Recently, I met a patient who was very unhappy with the treatment meted out to her by the IVF clinic where she had failed her second treatment cycle. In most instances, when patients like her come in for a consultation, one of the first things they do, is offer me all......

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When Infertility can Push you to the Point of Frustration

                                                      If you’ve tried for a long time to get pregnant, the first question which plagues you is - “ Why am I not getting pregnant? “ It’s natural for couples who are struggling with conceiving, to go through the complete......

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Why Infertile Couples should see an IVF specialist

Infertility is no laughing matter and only those who deal with it know what they have to go through. Not only so they have to deal with their own emotions , they also have to cope with the barrage of questions from friends and the high expectations from their parents......

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Failed IVF– The Best Way to Brace Yourself

A failed IVF cycle causes a lot of anguish, both for the patient as well as the doctor. It's extremely frustrating when the cycle fails, and the first question the patient asks is – “Dr, why did the cycle fail?” Doctors are under a lot of pressure to answer this quest......

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Patients as Medical Experts

                                                    In days gone by, doctors were the sole experts in the medical field. They amassed vast knowledge from their fat medical books as well as their experienced professors. They burned the midnight oil, underwent scores of......

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Advantage- Frozen Embryos

When a couple begins their IVF journey at our clinic, the first thing we do is educate and counsel them. In many ways, this is the foundation of the procedure and what we discuss with them at the outset will help them get through some rough patches along the way. In a......

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Patients are at Sea When IVF Doctors Disagree

Patients think of IVF as being a medical science, where everything is in black and white. They naively believe that all IVF doctors (regardless of where they practice), will look at a patient's medical records and then formulate a treatment plan that will be exactly t......

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