(Monday, May 07, 2014) Everyone has very high expectations from the new budget . Since one of the priorities for the budget is improving healthcare , I’d like to offer a suggestion which would fix a lot of problems which afflict our sick healthcare system tod......
(Monday, May 07, 2014) While the Indian government is rapidly adopting tools of e-governance to improve reach and transparency, there is still a lot of scope to using IT intelligently for improving healthcare in India. A great model to learn from is Canad......
(Monday, May 07, 2014) “Journals have devolved into information laundering operations for the pharmaceutical industry”, wrote Richard Horton, editor of the Lancet, in March 2004. In the same year, Marcia Angell, former editor of the New England Journal of Medici......
(Tuesday, July 08, 2014) I am an IVF specialist, but I am not infertile. This is why I try to learn what infertile patients go through from my expert patients. This helps me to see things from their perspective and understand their feelings. Here's an ema......
(Wednesday, July 09, 2014) A friend forwarded this email to me. I think it's worth sharing and hope it will nudge you into treating your doctor with a little more kindness. I am grateful to my patients. Helping them get better adds meaning to my life. But......
I enjoy answering questions from IVF patients. It keeps me on my toes; I am happy to share my knowledge; and I learn a lot from them ! Here's a question I got recently Dear Dr. Malpani, Let me start off by saying that I have lived by the information you provide on yo......
(Thursday, July 10, 2014) Clear, specific patient education helps patients - and surgeons ! Decision and communication aids used in orthopaedic practice had benefits for both patients and surgeons. These findings could be important in facilitating......
(Friday, July 11, 2014) Making decisions when you are ill is hard. Patients are often confused - and the overload of poor quality information on the internet just makes a bad situation worse. Doctors are often not very helpful, because they can be quite d......
(Saterday, July 12, 2014) The healthcare industry was very hopeful that the 2014 budget would provide lots of incentives for health care service providers. There was a lot of buzz that the government would place a lot of stress on education and......
(Monday, July 14, 2014) The outcome of an IVF cycle is always uncertain . When a cycle fails, the patient is never sure whether the failure was because the right process was not followed, or because of plain bad luck or an intrinsic biological problem (......