

The 3 mistakes patients make when selecting an IVF clinic

1. The commonest mistake is to blindly depend on their family doctor or GP or gynecologist to refer them to a clinic , because they hope and trust their doctor is a reliable source of medical information , and will act as a trusted get keeper and send them to the IVF......

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Why you should demand photos of your embryos

Demanding something from a doctor is unusual , because patients are meant to be docile and compliant, but the reality is that most IVF patients are completely clueless about IVF treatment, and sadly, bad doctors exploit their ignorance. They contribute to it by refusi......

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Why you can't afford to be an IVF dummy

I talk to many patients who have failed IVF cycles, and I am dismayed and perplexed by how little they actually understand about the IVF process , even though they are intelligent and highly educated professionals. They don't seem to have a clue about how many follicl......

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Why transferring more than 1 embryo reduces pregnancy rates. More is not always better !

Many IVF clinics routinely transfer two or three or four embryos at a time to inflate their success rates, and often patients push their doctor to transfer more embryos because they think that transferring more embryos will increase their chances of having a baby. Th......

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Knowledge Is Power for IVF patients

Many IVF patients are surprisingly clueless about their treatment . They naively believe that all they need to do is find an IVF Clinic,and then leave everything up to the doctor. This is very simplistic, because it assumes all doctors are equally competent, and that......

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When sexual difficulties cause infertility - and how you can treat them at home

One would think that in this day and age , where everyone has free access to the internet, most adults would be very well informed about sexuality as well as fertility , but unfortunately, the number of myths and misconceptions in this space is mind-boggling. In fact......

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The effect of the Roe ve Wade judgment, Reproductive Tourism and Indian IVF clinics

The US Supreme Court's decision to reverse the landmark Roe vs. Wade decision, which allowed women the right to legal abortion, has created a major crisis of confidence amongst educated American women . They are being deprived of their right to make their own choices......

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My IVF cycle failed. What do I do next?

Failing an IVF cycle can be heartbreaking. It's often your worst nightmare coming true. You've gathered all that money, taken that big risk, taken all those shots, and done everything possible in order to get pregnant, and blindly followed all the advice given. No, yo......

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What to do if you are stuck with a bad IVF doctor

Most patients are very nave when selecting an IVF clinic because they believe that all IVF clinics are equally good. They will sign up for IVF treatment at the nearest clinic , or at a clinic to which they have been referred by their family doctor , or perhaps to a cl......

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What to do when the doctor isn't able to collect any eggs

One of the reasons IVF cycles fail is because doctors tell patients that they werent able to collect any eggs during the egg retrieval . This can come as a rude shock, because patients expect doctors to be able to collect one egg from each follicle , and its very hard......

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