Many people wonder why we don't have more IVF clinics, given the fact that we were one of India's first private IVF clinics, and have such a high success rate. Because we have so much experience and expertise, it would seem very logical that we would run a chain of IV......
We routinely see that many IVF clinics will transfer two, three, and even four embryos back into patients at the end of the IVF cycle. This is completely inappropriate because we all know that the best live birth rates are achieved by transferring a single embryo at a......
It's great that IVF has been so successful in helping so many infertile couples to build their family and assisted reproductive technology ( ART) has changed the lives of many infertile couples. IVF allows us to do what wasn't possible even 50 years ago, and this is s......
Many infertile couples start playing the woulda, coulda, shoulda game when they find they can’t have a baby in their bedroom. They start regretting the fact that they didn't get married earlier; or that they didn't start trying to have a baby when they were younger; o......
If the world were perfect then every IVF clinic would be as good as any other IVF clinic, and any patient could take IVF treatment in the nearby local clinic and be confident that they would get equally good medical care, irrespective of whether they chose to do it lo......
Patients often get upset when I criticize the treatment they've received at their earlier IVF clinic. They can't understand why there is such a big difference between their doctor's opinion and mine. I'm fairly vocal about many unproven, untested treatments such as ER......
Many IVF doctors are now advising their patients to do a surgical sperm retrieval ( either a PESA – percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration) or a TESE ( testicular sperm extraction) for doing their IVF/ ICSI treatment. Now this may sound like a mouthful, so let me sh......
The ingenuity and creativity of IVF specialists still continue to amaze me, by the new scams they come up with all the time, to extract more money from gullible, ignorant, desperate infertile couples! They dream up all kinds of “ new “ treatment options for their pat......
In our clinic, we will often discuss the possible medical options in front of our patients with each other. Dr. Anjali and I will try to describe all the available choices because the truth is is there are no black-or-white answers to something as complicated as IVF.......
One of my patients with a low AMH level was asking me about the possibility of using ovarian PRP in order to improve her egg quality. When I explained to her that it was a scam, she countered by saying – When I search on the internet, I find that this is a treatment......