

What you need to learn about your IVF doctor before signing up!

Every rich IVF patient naively assumes that the doctor they are going to is the best doctor in the world - often because they are the most expensive. After all, if they didn't think so, then they most probably wouldn't go to that doctor! The problem is that it's impo......

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Don't go to a part-time IVF specialist

In all developed countries, such as USA and UK, IVF specialists are full-time. After they have done their postgraduate MD degree in gynecology, they have to do a further fellowship of 2-3 years in reproductive endocrinology and IVF, before they can call themselves IVF......

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What good IVF doctors do in order to earn their patient's trust?

Trust forms the bedrock of a healthy doctor-patient relationship, but because of information asymmetry, many doctors are happy to make patients for a ride. They do not bother to earn the patients trust and take this for granted . This is especially true in India, wher......

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IVF’s dirty little secret - the commonest reason for poor quality embryos is a poor quality IVF clinic

IVFs dirty little secret - the commonest reason for poor quality embryos is a poor quality IVF clinic The chances of getting pregnant in an IVF cycle are directly proportionate to the quality of the embryos created . If the embryo quality is poor, the chances of gett......

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Why single embryo transfer has better live birth rates ?

Most patients assume that transferring more embryos will increase their chance of getting pregnant in an IVF cycle. After all, isnt it obvious that its better to buy two lottery tickets rather than one lottery ticket? This is common sense, isnt it? After all, if docto......

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How IVF can help patients with poor ovarian reserve to have a baby

Patients with poor ovarian reserve are difficult patients to treat for IVF specialists, and the success rate is usually poor. This is because IVF pregnancy rates depend on the quality of the embryos we transfer, which in turn depends on egg quality. Because they are......

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Treating PCOS in infertile women

PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease, PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is one of the commoner causes of infertility in young women. The problem is there is a lot of confusion about this disease , because everyone seems to make this diagnosis at the drop of a hat the n......

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How to make sure your embryo transfer isn't difficult - the IVF patient's guide to easy ETs

Embryo transfer is the final medical procedure in an IVF cycle , and normally this is very straight forward , because all it involves is transferring embryos back into your uterus using a flexible , soft sterile plastic catheter called the embryo transfer catheter, wh......

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The flipped consultation model can help you talk to your doctor !

One of the reasons a medical consultation can be very frustrating for both doctors and patients is that patients get brain freeze when talking to doctors , as a result of which they sometimes distort the facts or jumble them up or don't provide them in the right chron......

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Please make sure that your IVF clinic has a full time embryologist

Many IVF clinics continue taking patients for a ride by cutting corners . While the ambience of the clinic maybe 5 star and the clinic may look very posh, with lots of patients and plenty of staff members, the reality is that the heart of the IVF clinic is the IVF lab......

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