

The one thing IVF patients need to do before going to Dr Google

We urge IVF patients to conduct thorough research on Google. This helps them become well-informed and develop realistic expectations about their IVF treatment. More importantly, it enables them to determine whether the information their doctor has provided is reasonab......

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The danger of depending on Dr. Google for IVF patients

Introduction In the world of assisted reproductive technologies, In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) has revolutionized the way many couples approach family planning. However, navigating the vast sea of information available online can be overwhelming for IVF patients. In t......

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Does your IVF doctor refuse to answer your questions ?

Experiencing silence from IVF specialists As an IVF specialist, I often provide second opinions to patients who have experienced unsuccessful IVF cycles at other clinics. A recurring complaint among these patients is their IVF doctors' reluctance to answer questions.......

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Why do IVF doctors do so many useless tests – and how can you protect yourself from unnecessary testing

The Proliferation of Unnecessary IVF Tests As an IVF specialist with 30 years of experience, I often provide second opinions to IVF patients who have undergone unsuccessful cycles at other clinics. A recurring issue I encounter is the astonishing number of unnecessar......

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Demystifying IVF Pain: Exploring Options for a More Comfortable Journey

Pain free IVF One of the concerns which a lot of patients have about IVF is the number of injections which they need to take and they tell that these injections are extremely painful and this is especially true for patients who have done IVF in clinics which use intr......

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Exploring Options After Repeated IVF Failure: Donor Eggs vs Surrogacy

Donor egg vs surrogacy for repeated IVF failure There is still a lot of confusion among women as to what they need to do next when an IVF cycle fails. Because many of them believe that the reason the IVF cycle failed is that the embryo did not implant, ev......

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How to measure your ovarian reserve – what every woman needs to know ?

  Many young women these days are choosing to postpone childbearing because they would like to pursue a career, but they also understand that this may come at the cost of their future fertility, because they know that as they get older, their ovarian reserve de......

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The bottleneck for IVF

There is still a lot of confusion among women as to what they need to do next when an IVF cycle fails. Because many of them believe that the reason the IVF cycle failed is that the embryo did not implant, even though it was a good quality embryo. This mean......

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Why do IVF patients need to speak up

The Challenge of Speaking Up As an expert IVF specialist, I see many patients who have undergone multiple failed IVF cycles at various clinics. Upon discussion about the treatments they have received, it's alarming to discover that many are significantly uninformed a......

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When Your IVF Journey Feels Like a Specialist Marathon

When Your IVF Journey Feels Like a Specialist Marathon Have you ever felt like your IVF journey is turning into an endless loop of specialist visits? You're not alone. It's a common story among IVF patients to be sent from one specialist to another, making you wonder......

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