

Choosing the Right Path: Navigating Treatment Options for Infertile Women with Endometriosis

Many infertile women with endometriosis are not sure what they should do, especially when they suffer from pelvic pain, because the options their gynecologist will offer them will be either using medical therapy to suppress the periods and thus relieve the pain, but t......

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Maximizing Your Consultation with an IVF Specialist: Key Steps for Informed Fertility Treatment Decisions

Consulting with an IVF specialist is crucial when seeking fertility treatment, but many people are unsure how to make the most of such a consultation. To ensure you get the maximum value from your visit, it's important to prepare both before and after meeting with the......

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Self Insemination: A Safe, Effective and Affordable Alternative for treating infertility because of Sexual Issues

Self-insemination can be a very safe and effective method to get pregnant, especially when your primary underlying problem is a sexual problem rather than a medical one affecting your fertility. This means that it's extremely effective for patients who are young, who......

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In Vitro Fertilization Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a medical procedure that has been around for decades and has helped millions of couples conceive. Despite its success rate, IVF is still shrouded in myths and misconceptions that often prevent people from considering it as a viable opti......

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From Ejaculation to Fertilization: Decoding the Lifespan of Sperm

This is one of the commonest questions I am asked, and it creates a lot of confusion because the answer could be a few seconds to a few years! This is because sperm survival depends on many factors, including: where the sperm are ( in the human body or outside); at wh......

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The dangers of getting a second opinion for IVF patients

Many IVF patients are very reluctant to get a second opinion, and I think there are multiple reasons for this. For one thing, they believe that once they have found a doctor whom they feel they can trust, they don't see any need to verify his opinion. They believe th......

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Why you should always record details of your medical treatment while doing an IVF treatment cycle?

When more patients do an IVF treatment cycle, they expect their doctor to take care of all the medical technical minutiae and keep all the records for them. At the end of the cycle, they often have no clue at all as to what was done, and this is especially true for th......

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When is the Right Time to Discuss Family Planning with Your Adult Children?

Many older citizens want their daughters to have a baby when they are young because they want the marriage to be well-settled, and to enjoy the pleasures of parenthood. Yes – they have a selfish reason as well because they want to become grandparents too! However, th......

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What your IVF specialist does not want you to know?

Most IVF patients are surprisingly naive about their IVF treatment because they expect that their doctor is the medical expert who will tell them what to do. They assume that all they need to do is find a good IVF doctor whom they can trust, and then the rest will hap......

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How long can I safely put off having a baby? Tracking your personal biological clock!

Many young women have many career opportunities today, and they need to balance the conflicting demands of pursuing professional success or taking time off from work to have a baby. Because they are perfectionists, they want to do their best in both their personal and......

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